Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Four Tears - Fantasy Tale



The Four Tears



Have you ever heard of the mythical medallion of the "Four Tears"? No…? Too bad... because you must know that the phantasmagoric medallion, has extraordinary magical powers; but at the same time... a bit gloomy. That's right... the medallion hides an unfathomable mystery, which only a few know.


The owner of the enchanted medallion is Liorz, an authoritative Queen who has a long lion's tail. Are you surprised? You shouldn't... because in the Kingdom of Arkovia, there are so many oddities and singularities. For example… have you ever heard of Mauram, the Princess with golden hair? And Fawnier, the Prince with the body of a deer? No…? You are really naughty! But perhaps you have heard about Amista, a beautiful Princess with crystal hands. Or the King with the bunny ears... Amazed? Wait until you meet the evil Wizard Issurjot, who has always perched on his shoulder, the infamous red owl Siril.


Well… aren't you happy yet? And then the dish of whimsy also offers you a huge Dragon, a sparkling Enchantress with emerald eyes, and a myriad of polymorphic animals. And how does it all start? From a kidnapping? But yes!


You must know, that the beautiful Princess Pintaqua, was taken away by the Sovereign Horjon. And here is that sister Amista... flanked by brother Fawnier, begin to look for the Princess dragged away by deception!


But back to us, are you not satisfied yet? So, here you are sparkling bewitched rivers, that turn into marvelous castles, ancient mummies that emerge from the underground, colored hares that launch themselves from a radiant waterfall, surrounded by lively multicolored butterflies… all seasoned with mystery, action, fantasy, betrayal and an iron rule: …woe to be left without… a pinch of magic!




…Suddenly, the Prince found himself on the other side of the enchanted door, without having been knocked down. In essence, Fawnier had inexplicably managed to get through it.

Fawnier looked at the Nymph, with a somewhat surprised expression. The Nymph was standing near a white marble table, and she widened her eyes in amazement.

The unusual fact was, that the Prince couldn’t take his eyes off the Nymph... having been dazzled by the beauty and grace that she possessed. Indeed, the Nymph was a young damsel, with very long light brown hair, and two doe eyes that observed with joy, her unexpected guest.

After a few moments, the Nymph spoke up… and with a tone of relief, she commented “You have succeeded, sir! You have broken the spell!”-

Prince Fawnier's heart jumped… but then after that principle of irrational fervor, he replied to the Nymph “Please, I ask you to return my sister, a normal girl. You may not know it, but your song... has made her an animal with many forms; just like the numerous creatures, which are found outside the lighthouse”. The Prince's intention was to produce a dark and nervous voice; but instead we don't know how, while he was uttering all those ideas... a melodious voice came out.

"Of course...” the Nymph replied, smiling "In fact, the spell that was placed on me, it forces me to sing several times a day. But just take me out of this lighthouse… and I’ll do what you asked me to do. But tell me...” the Nymph added "Why did you become only partially, animal? Usually all people completely transform themselves into different types of animals... Are you perhaps a sorcerer?” concluded the Nymph, after having scrutinized Fawnier's deer body.

At that last question, the Prince didn’t know whether to tell her the truth or not... In fact, Fawnier didn’t like to talk about his physical condition, of half man and half animal. But for the first time in his life, he felt that the time had come to break through that inner barrier, and to open up to confidences. Fawnier didn't know how… but he felt comfortable with the Nymph. That's right… he couldn't feel for her, anything but affection and tenderness. On the other hand, even if in different ways, they both had a similar problem.

In any case, Fawnier with a drawl voice, replied "No... I'm not a Wizard... I too, like you, am the victim of a spell that was done to my family. What you see in front of you… is my real aspect… that is… the same as always…”-

"Ah... now I comprehend... that's why the spell I'm a victim of, doesn't work with you" the Nymph said a little uncomfortably "Excuse my impertinence, sir...” the Nymph lowered her gaze.

“No… I don't like that you call me that” sped up to say the Prince “My name is Fawnier, Prince of Arkovia; can I know yours?”-

The Nymph, always with her eyes lowered, declared “I am a Nymph, coming from a very distant place. And my name is Nuvjel…”-

Nuvjel… it's a really nice name” said Prince Fawnier, blushing “But tell me one thing, Nymph Nuvjel… it was easy for me to walk through the door. What I wanted to ask…”-

“Nothing to do…” Nuvjel said promptly “I have tried many times to get through the enchanted door; but I have never succeeded... The terrible sorcerer Tojrussi Drago has done a very powerful spell at the door. You’re the only one, who managed to enter...” the Nymph's gaze rested on the silver door.

"I came up with an idea... try to get on my back" urged Fawnier, with a decisive attitude "If it worked for me... it may be okay for you too... Come on, go on".

The Nymph didn’t have it repeated twice; and after she had climbed onto the back of the Prince's deer body, she uttered "Only one thing... please Fawnier let's talk you... if that's okay with you...”-

"Of course...” the Prince replied with a flamboyant smile; after that he leapt in the direction of the enchanted door, and to the Nymph's amazement... they both managed to get through it.


Princess Amista's enthusiasm and joy in seeing her brother jump out of the lighthouse, was really great. And the same happiness was perceived by the deer and also by the numerous hawks; who began to circle happily around the lighthouse



The old woman was finishing her speech about the herbalist Remjo's niece, when a strong wind... threw itself on the two women. The old woman tumbled the bread on the ground, and she clung to the Princess's dress, so as not to fall. Mauram released her hands holding the ash-colored scarf, which covered her golden hair; and she hugged at the old woman… as if to protect her from the raging whirlwind.

But those few moments were enough, to ensure that the scarf and the net underneath fluttered away... letting the beautiful golden hair of the Princess, float in the wind.

Now… it seemed that it was Mauram herself, who needed help; in fact, frightened... she was convulsively clutching the old woman. While the wind, as if by magic... instantly vanished; leaving the two women... a little dazed.

To tell the truth, Mauram's hair was truly enchanting; the sun then, gave them flashes and reflections... which made her golden hair even more luminous.

The old woman was amazed to see such great beauty; and while she looked at the Princess with curiosity, she no longer knew what to say.

Mauram whispered a quick "Thank you very much, lady... but now I have to go away...” and so saying, without thinking twice, the Princess walked quickly towards the castle.

But after a few steps, Mauram found herself surrounded by some curious passers-by; who, seeing the golden hair of the Princess, began to bombard her with questions. "But are you perhaps Princess Mauram?" a stocky gentleman, who was carrying old beams, asked interestedly.

"We thought you were sick" a middle-aged woman added in a low voice.

"What beautiful hair... but is it really golden?”- These were the most frequently asked questions.

Mauram answered in monosyllables, with a trembling voice. She didn't know what to do... then she decided to say hello to everyone; but before she could add a single word… a little boy saw a golden hair on the ground, and greedily grabbing it with his hands, yelled “Look! I got a golden hair… Now I'll know what to feed my little brothers!”-

The Princess's heart began to beat loudly, it sounded like a delirious drum. She then gave the boy a lightning glance; and finally she tried to make her way, through the crowd that had come to create. But the crowd grew out of all proportion; and how it all began... we never knew...


Multiple hands like hungry octopuses began to tear Mauram's golden hair; first one… then two… and so on. Everyone began to yearn for Mauram's golden hair, and also began to tug at the Princess, with eager and hungry hands for gold. As you can easily imagine… they tore off whole locks of her hair.

The pain was excruciating... Mauram tried with her hands to preserve her hair, from those hands thirsty for riches. But the more she tried to free herself from that grip, the more it seemed they were going to make her truly bald.

Suddenly, another terrible gust of wind put an end to that sad and disconsolate scenario. Mauram took the ball, and crying as well as suffering... ran away from that delirious crowd.


Princess Mauram left behind, numerous people dripping with happiness. And indeed, many of them with Mauram's hair in their hands, cheerfully argued over their good fortune. A gentleman who had five golden hairs in his hand, saw the old woman who was previously talking to the Princess, and asked her “Didn't you manage to get even one? She’s really unfortunate!" the man said, while he scrutinized the woman with a falsely compassionate expression.

The old woman, after retrieving her bread from the ground, said “Ugly villain! You’re the unfortunate! Don't you understand that you have hurt a poor girl”-

"But what do you say? What do you want the Princess to care for, for losing a few hairs?” the gentleman answered, indignant "Her hair will grow back... Besides that, she’s a Princess... she’s not poor like us!" and saying this, the man went ostentatiously towards his friends.

The unsatisfied old woman retorted “You’re far worse than poor! Wealth is not acquired by stealing and making others suffer! But one thing is also true... that you are poor... yes... of love!" and uttering these last lashing words, the old woman went away... nervously nibbling a piece of bread.


The tears that fell from Princess Mauram's cheeks were quicker than her legs. Mauram ran... ran... she didn't care if sometimes her dress got wildly tangled on some thorny branches... she ran... And so, at a certain point, she reached the only place in the world, where she felt loved: ...in the neighboring wood to the castle.

And as soon as Mauram reached a lonely place, she threw herself on the ground and resumed sobbing.

After a few moments, her candy-colored hares friends, approached her. Which seeing her so afflicted, dimly they crouched beside her, with the intent of comforting her.

But it was all in vain... Mauram continued to shed copious tears. Then some hares, went away... to then return with multiple multicolored butterflies following them. The butterflies were beautiful, and of many shapes, colors and different types. And they began to hover joyfully around Mauram. There were so many butterflies, that their flapping of wings... was even perceptible.

Mauram for a moment... looked up, to scrutinize what that strange buzz was. And to her enormous wonder... she saw thousands of colorful butterflies, which fluttering around her, had sketched in the sky, a beautiful flowery meadow... quilted with multicolored lights.

And then the hares, perceiving that their supposition had achieved the desired effect... they began to dance around the Princess, with extraordinary leaps and jumps. Mauram stopped crying, and observing the beautiful spectacle in amazement, she gave a slight smile. Then, as if taken by an incredible strength and vitality... she got up, and started dancing too.

Mauram's thoughts were studded with arrows of joy... by now she no longer remembered the voracious hands, which lapped her golden hair... She felt only a light breeze invade her mind... a gentle caress, which supported by the ventilation of the butterflies' wings... it almost tickled her soul.

Then the Princess, caught by an unstoppable frenzy... began to run towards the woods; and all the butterflies and the multicolored hares… began to follow her.

The ride was like a raging river, which moved sinuously from tree to tree, from flower to flower... and sometimes her golden hair was carried by the wings of butterflies... which almost seemed to smile at her, with their colors enraptured by the rays of the sun.

The lightning-fast leaps of the numerous hares also seemed to be the reverberation of many pot-bellied crickets, who galloped towards the shape of infinity...

And finally, Mauram threw herself from a plateau towards a small pond below... But the extraordinary thing was that while the Princess tumbled from her Pindaric flight... the butterflies whirled around her, while the candy-colored hares, now enraptured by the ecstasy of the dream... followed Mauram without any fear.

For that brief moment... in full free fall, Mauram had forgotten all her suffering and it seemed to her that she was living in a dream populated by gnomes and goblins. She laughed and cried at the same time. You could see several tears, crashing on the wings of some butterflies... which then, with the reverberation of the wind and the rays of the sun... looked like multicolored stars of a thousand colors...

In the end the Princess settled down in the belly of the lake below. And then... as if awakened from a dream sweetened by flavored vapors, full of lunar beams... she came out of the small lake, accompanied by her friends hares.

Mauram didn't worry too much about being all soaked; and always with a seraphic and smiling air, she thanked the butterflies and the hares.


Suddenly, Mauram saw all the butterflies flee away, closely followed by the lively hares. The Princess was dumbfounded, by a great desire to escape. Then behind her… a cold voice, howled "Mauram".

The Princess saw herself dominated by an icy shadow... then slowly, she turned around... and saw her: ...Queen Liorz.

"Mother...” Mauram asserted, surprised by that visit "What are you doing here…? Aren't you sick”-

Liorz approached her daughter with a plush step; similar to the slow pace of a cheetah... as her prey approaches "Of course I feel torment...” she said with a decisive air "But the Wizard Issurjot, warned me that you were in danger; and so I came to help you. Aren't you happy to see me?” concluded the Ruler, in a voice that sounded like a sneer.

As Liorz approached, Mauram felt a bitter sensation in her heart "Yes, mother... I'm glad to see you... You don't know, what happened to me in the city...”-

“I know everything, my little one…” Liorz's tail jumped inadvertently hitting a twig, breaking it “Don't forget that Issurjot is a Wizard; and when I didn't see you coming, I sent him to get the potion of betjrjan flowers. This explains the reason, for my sudden recovery...” then grabbing the wet hand of her daughter, Liorz continued "Now come with me, I have something important to offer you”.

Mauram followed her mother, while an unusual sensation of icy breath... crossed her back…


…The Ruler, seeing that horrible vision, let out a scream... which echoed all over the place. Issurjot didn't even notice... since both he and the owl Siril, were too excited by what had just happened.

Queen Liorz continued to stare at her daughter, with horror and consternation... And as if by magic, something in the heart of the Ruler... changed her.





...all these emotions, unexpectedly appeared in her soul. Instantly her memory crossed the barriers of time... and she saw the little Mauram held in her arms, when she was still a small infant. The memory of that innocence came alive in her thoughts. And like a lightning that breaks stormy clouds... the Ruler began to contemplate the happy moments... the moments in which her daughter was playing with her porcelain dolls... the times in which Princess Mauram, brought her some field flowers, to cheer her up...

And now… what was she in front of? A deformed being... a soulless being... Vampjria!


Afterward, the Ruler gradually approached the Wizard, and she reached out to grab the medallion… but her hand froze. Liorz realized that the Four Tears medallion… didn't care that much anymore; and with an unusual and calm emotion in her heart… she looked away from the magic medallion.

Issurjot was too pleased to notice that now, the expression on the Ruler's face had changed.

“So, my beloved Queen…” asked the Wizard, dry “How does it seem to you, Vampjria? Isn't she great? Exactly as we expected, don't you think?” Issurjot finished, with an arrogant look. The beard seemed to curl on itself from his happiness.

Queen Liorz didn’t answer... and without turning her gaze to her daughter, she went away...




She ran!

Queen Liorz felt frightened... alone... no longer interested in anything or anyone...

She ran!

…she walked quickly, into the castle...

She ran!

...she couldn't stop... up the stairs...

She ran!

Inside huge rooms, where now the numerous memorabilia and furnishings seemed empty to her...

She ran!

...the multiple mirrors hanging on the walls... refracted nothingness.

She ran!

...she was tired now, and out of breath... but she didn't care...

She ran!

...in the end, the Ruler arrived in a very long corridor, very narrow to be honest... and which wasn’t very bright, even though the sun was starting to rise.

On the walls of the very long entrance hall, various tapestries and paintings could be seen, completely wrapped in curtains of multiple colors. The Ruler continued her frantic run along the entire entrance hall; until she reaches a large arched window, closed.

Quickly and with the help of her long tail, the Ruler open wide the window... and a sudden and very strong gust of wind... hit her.

The draught was so strong, that almost all the numerous curtains that covered the paintings on the walls fell on the marble floor.

Queen Liorz wisely breathed that unexpected breeze... she felt the need. Then slowly… she turned around, and she caught a glimpse of the pictures on the walls. After a moment of hesitation, Liorz began to walk without haste; contemplating that unusual place... in fact she didn’t remember it at all.

"Nothing strange" she commented to herself, uneasy “...seen and considered that the castle is huge...” and with that thought, she approached one of the paintings.


"Pintaqua!" exclaimed the Ruler, with astonishment “They’re the paintings of Pintaqua… But why are they here? And why, have I never seen them before?” but that intimate question... had no answer.

Liorz, began to get closer to one of her paintings, and saw that the painting depicted Pintaqua kneeling on the ground... with some chains on her mouth; while with her hands she tried desperately to get them off.

The Ruler was stunned... only now she understood the pain and anguish that Pintaqua had to endure every day. That's right... those chains, depicted the pain of Pintaqua, for not being able to articulate any words. Queen Liorz understood her daughter's frustration and suffering, in not being able to express her innermost emotions. The painting let us glimpse all these feelings and sensations, with extreme clarity. Liorz regretted that she had never understood until then… all this.

After taking a last look at the painting; the Ruler intrigued... began to observe all the other paintings. And with growing amazement, she scrutinized the numerous depictions that Pintaqua had made, about all the members of the Royal family.

In one fresco, Fawnier's sorrow and loneliness was represented; who was portrayed inside a desert full of sandy dunes... where the Prince scanned the horizon with a sad face, flanked only by a deer and a hawk.

Queen Liorz understood that her son, although he had loving friends like deer and hawks, deep inside… he suffered from loneliness. In fact, Liorz understood that the desert represented precisely the sense of inner solitude, of her son. Basically, the diversity and strangeness of Fawnier's body, was an impediment to him… in relating to others. The Ruler was perplexed by all this; in fact she had always believed that her son had overcome his singular physical condition. Liorz had never noticed his sad and disconsolate expression. After all, Liorz had always perceived Fawnier, lively and ready to argue and transgress rules and precepts. But apparently, it was just a way like any other… to get over an interior frustration.

With these thoughts and reflections in her heart, the Ruler moved on to the next painting. Thus she found herself scrutinizing her husband's; who was seated at the foot of a throne, holding a broken scepter. The expression of King Conrab, who was observing the scepter, was one of discomfort. And that wasn’t all... since behind King Conrab; a lion's paw could be detected... which it was looking for in the shadows, to grab him.

The Queen was a little shocked by that painting, but she didn’t know why. Her tail was now semi-motionless, alternating with sudden jolts.

Liorz more and more interested continued... and saw the painting that depicted Mauram. The Princess was happily sitting on a rock, surrounded by her beloved colored hares. Besides the rest, Mauram was portrayed as she brushed her beautiful golden hair; but the thing that made the Ruler jump for a moment, was in seeing above her daughter's head... a huge black cage... that was about to fall on her.

Queen Liorz for a moment shivered… all this, it was frightening… but at the same time, she was aware that it was all true. In essence, the paintings depicted the deepest emotions, anxieties and feelings… of all of her family members.

However Liorz, albeit with an inner malaise that was increasing... continued to look curiously at the paintings; and she saw the one that portrayed Amista.

The young Princess was drawn with completely shattered crystal hands, while her gaze with greed... stared at a point on the horizon... where you could see two huge hands, instead of the sun. But the thing that shocked Queen Liorz not a little, was that a lion's tail came out of the ground, holding Amista's right leg still… not allowing her to reach the enormous hands.

The Ruler wasn’t silly, and she immediately thought “Lion's tail… that painting reproduces just me! So, is this how my children see me? As a mother… despot and tyrant…? Just me who did everything for them… I, who have scarified me for them, me who... but no... Maybe... no... I can't believe it...” the thoughts of the Ruler, were chaotic... and they alternated one after the other, quickly. At times she seemed to have always acted for the sake of her children... while at times, she thought the exact opposite.

But it was her last painting that made her understand... what the truth was.

Strangely, the last painting was still cover with an ivory silk curtain. Liorz with her lion's tail, slowly and with a little hesitation, took it off. She teased by her interest, she looked at it... and she saw that the portrait depicted herself... a huge lioness, holding a rabbit in her mouth, while surmounting a throne made of black marble. But that wasn’t all... the lioness had the pendant of the Four Tears around her neck... and at the foot of the throne, you could see on the ground... four white doves... bleeding.

"NO!" Liorz yelled with force and aggression. Then, aided by her long tail, she grabbed the picture, and broke it into a thousand pieces with anger and indignation.

Then… when she had vented her anger, the Ruler knelt nearby the crumbled fragments of the painting; and she thought to herself “No… that's not true. I... I can't be like that. I… I… Pintaqua… my daughter… you… you are… absolutely right” and while Liorz delicately… picked up the pieces of the crumbled picture… copious tears streamed down her face…


…A few moments passed. And before the knights with the burning saber, could pass through the huge iron and gold door of the castle... here, unexpectedly, everyone heard a shout behind them. The knights turned, with an attitude of curiosity... and finally... they saw her.

It was Amista.


The Princess rode with a majestic and imposing appearance, the white deer Coryador. The Sungreen Magic Armor gave her such vigor and strength as to leave all the numerous knights stunned with amazement. Without saying a word, they were fascinated to stare at her... while Amista headed quickly, right towards them.

But that wasn’t all... coming from the nearby lake, suddenly thousands of mighty warriors appeared, made up of lake water. They were more than two meters tall, and despite having no weapons, they instilled terror and fear. They seemed to be made of crystal and diamonds, unified together. And the reflections of the sun, on their liquid bodies... refracted like arrows of light.


“What did I tell you, my glorious Ruler? The witch is here! The sorceress has arrived! And she has at her side... a magical army! For us, it's over!" bellowed with apprehension and terror, the squire Rjonov... as he watched Amista and her army of Water Warriors.

"Be quiet, flickering maggot!" Horjon replied vehemently; approaching at the walls of the High Tower of the castle, to better observe. The yell of the strong wind... it sounded like the howl of a hungry wolf...

The Sovereign, peering at Amista's Enchanted Warriors, uttered “What are you afraid of, Rjonov? Can't you see that those silly beings who look like warriors... are made from simple lake water? We’ll destroy them all!" a mocking smile pierced his face, as his dark blue cloak swung boldly behind him.

Rjonov said nothing. He didn’t want to suffer another reproach... but his eyes seemed terrified and full of anxiety.

Suddenly, the Sovereign's expression changed, and carefully staring at the Princess's magical armor... he seemed to understand what had happened. Like a flash that crossed his mind, he understood... and said... "That armor... it can't be. But it looks like, the very powerful magic armor Sungreen…” and as he said these words, a slight shudder… ran down his back.

Upon hearing those words, both the squire and the Commander, approached at the Sovereign. Then the Commander, betraying a slight tension in his voice, asked “Sungreen? My Sovereign... maybe you know that armor”-

"Sure, I know it!" Horjon answered with a firm voice, scrutinizing the warriors with the fire saber, who were returning to the attack against Amista "Have you forgotten the great legends and epics, of our past? Many of them, tell of the mighty and strength of Sungreen armor”.

But those words had no effect on the two listeners. Finally, the squire Rjonov, hastened to say "My glorious sovereign... what you want to say, is that that armor... has magical powers?”-

Horjon gave a short sigh “Of course. In any case, we must not retreat because of this new affront!" Horjon answered a little annoyed; and then addressing the Commander, with a voice of authority, he imposed “Commander, immediately order all the militias to defeat that lady and her insipid army. And do it quickly!”-

"Consider it already done, my Sovereign” declared the Commander, in a solid voice.


The knights with the fire sabers, meanwhile, were charging without delay, against Princess Amista and the Water Warriors.

The knights of the Sovereign, appeared imposing in their black armor, and were also lively in knowing that soon, they would subdue that silly damsel, and her semi-transparent Warriors.

Amista, riding imposingly on Coryador, stopped a few moments later… waiting for the armies of the Sovereign. For a moment, the quick thought flashed through her, that perhaps all this wasn’t made for her... The thought of sweet green fields full of flowers and fragrant gems, appeared before her... And also, a desire for peace and serenity, it invaded her heart.

But promptly, the Princess awoke from these unexpected reveries, and she thought to herself… “No. Not now Amista... it’s not time to escape, into the depths of utopia... I must remember... that there can be no peace, where injustice dwells! It's time to fight! It’s time to eradicate evil! It's time to win!”-


The conflict began.


Amista gave a command to Coryador and the Enchanted Warriors, to assault the knights of the Sovereign. At that moment, the knights with vigor struck Amista with their fire sabers... but to their bewilderment, they clearly saw that Halykjur's magical flame was absorbed as if by magic...


 …“Come on, Siril Dragon! Throw our tumultuous and pathetic enemies, into the eternal fire of the horror!" Issurjot shouted loudly, instigating the huge Red Dragon "May neither of the two pathetic royal descendants, remain alive!" Issurjot's mournful laugh seemed more insane than usual; his beard was white with black streaks.

The Dragon Siril with portentous blows of her wings rapidly set off in the direction of our heroes.

"Quickly, Nuvjel...” Fawnier said worriedly "Stay close to the Enchanted Warriors... they’ll protect you...”-

"Fawnier, try to be careful!" the Nymph answered in a low voice; while huge Water Warriors approached her, with the intent of protecting her from the Dragon Siril.

Meanwhile with a quick gesture, the Red Dragon tried to grab the Prince with her long claws; who fortunately jumped just in time, in the opposite direction. The Dragon Siril then passed to the Nymph, who was now paralyzed in front of that huge beast.

The Red Dragon recognizing her old prey… made a sort of mournful grin; and then with her very long claws... tried to grab her. The Enchanted Warriors struck with their liquid hands the Dragon Siril... but unfortunately, you could see how the mighty scales that covered Siril's body didn’t allow at the Enchanted Warriors, to hurt the Dragon.

Amista intervened instantly, unleashing with her sword of light, one blow and then another, to the claws of the Dragon... managing to prevent her from grabbing Nuvjel. But unfortunately, she didn’t manage to prevent a huge claw of the Red Dragon from hurting the Nymph's right shoulder.

"Nuvjel…!" Fawnier shouted excitedly, seeing that horrible beast hit his beloved.

The sudden treatment of Princess Amista didn’t have the desired result. In fact, the drops of water that fell from her crystal hands had only stopped the leakage of her blood... but without being able to completely heal the Nymph's wound. They all understood that the Dragon's wounds, healed more slowly than the others.

Fawnier after taking a last look at his beloved's wound, with forced calm, said “Don't panic Nuvjel… it's not a deep wound. Now I'll take you to the Sovereign's druid…” the Prince concluded in a low voice; placing the Nymph on the back of a huge deer.

"Damn beast!" inveigh Amista, casting a grim look at the Red Dragon, while the fairy moths covered the Princess with the fairy armor "If as an owl, you have always been painful and repulsive... as a Dragon you’re even worse! Come on ahead! I'm not afraid of you!" her face radiated courage and strength.


The Dragon Siril, after a brief fly to regain speed, rushed violently on Amista; but being careful to avoid the Sunlivre fairy sword... because every time she was hit, she felt a very sharp internal spasm.

But whenever the Red Dragon tried to stab Amista, the Princess seemed to avoid all of her blows, very quickly. In fact, the magical armor, instinctively suggested to Amista how and when to move. However a couple of times, the Red Dragon hit her; but her Sungreen fairy armor… seemed to withstand any assault.

Suddenly, Amista glimpsed the Sovereign Horjon arriving on horseback, surrounded by some Enchanted Warriors and several of his soldiers on horseback, who while landing some of the Queen's fighters, approached Amista.

The Sovereign, also brandishing a saber studded with blue diamonds, seemed worried "Princess Amista... you can't do it alone... I'll come to your rescue!" Horjon attested, with impetus.

"Go away, Sovereign Horjon" replied the Princess, in a dry voice "Don't you see, that thanks to my magical armor, the Dragon Siril cannot hurt me?”…

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