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Maria Valtorta – Notebooks -13 Jun. '43:


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Maria Valtorta – Notebooks -13 Jun. '43:

For the Holy Spirit to descend and work in a heart


Maria Valtorta - Notebooks - June 13, 1943: In order for the Holy Spirit to descend and operate freely in a heart, one must cultivate in oneself charity, fidelity, purity, prayer and humility.

 Jesus says: «Because the Holy Spirit can descend and operate freely in a heart, one must cultivate charity, fidelity, purity, prayer and humility in oneself. My Apostles prepared for his coming with these virtues combined with intense recollection.


To learn the same, as to learn the other virtues, they had only to look at Mary, my Mother. In It the spirit of recollection was very intense. Even in the occupations of her life she knew how to live recollected in God, and her great joy was to be able to isolate herself in contemplation, in silence, in solitude. God can speak anywhere. But his word reaches you, mortals, whose powers of reception are limited, much better when you can be alone than when around you the neighbor speaks, moves, agitates often in human pettiness. Double merit and double grace if you can hear God even amidst the tumult. But also double, triple effort. But you, Mary, do not contravene holy charity and holy patience for the idea of hearing Me. Then you would mutilate the fruit of these lessons. Nothing, not even the thought of hearing my Voice, should make you unwilling to exercise condescension and patience with your neighbour.


Do you think you lose the thread of my saying? Do you regret because you understand that you have forgotten some gem of my saying? Oh! trust me! I will let you find it again, and more beautiful than before, because it is bound with the gold of charity and surrounded by the pearls of patience broken into infinite acts, but all, all precious. Remember that "everything you do to your neighbor… you do to Me, Jesus". Therefore know how to come out of your conversation with Me to listen to the needs, even sometimes very useless, of your neighbour, always with a smile and with good will. You will have the merit of the charity exercised and they will not be scandalized by seeing you irritated for having had to leave the prayer. Maria Ss. knew, without getting upset, to get out of meditation, prayer, gentle conversations with God - and you can think of what heights they reached - and take care of others without losing sight of God and without making others understand that she was disturbed. Maria be your role model.


Even in prayer, my Apostles had only to look at Mary to learn how to pray to obtain from God. And likewise for all the other virtues necessary to prepare for the descent of the Paraclete. Even now the Comforter descends with greater vehemence the more a spirit is prepared to receive him. Mary, full of grace, needed no preparation. But she gave you the example. She is your Mother, and mothers are living examples for children. Mary was already filled with the Holy Spirit. She was she her Bride of him and of her Groom she knew all the secrets. But in Mary nothing was supposed to appear different from the others. I myself, who was God, subjected myself on Earth to the laws of nature: I was hungry, thirsty, cold, tired, sleepy; but I Myself, who was God, subjected myself on Earth to the laws of morality: I felt tedium, fear, sadness, joy of friendship, horrified by the betrayal, I trembled until I sweat blood at the thought of what I had to suffer, I prayed like a humble man in need of everything. Mary too therefore received, in an open form, the Holy Spirit.


Even the greatest souls must follow the path that everyone follows - in external manifestations, of course - without singularities, without taking poses which are nothing but pride cloaked in hypocritical humility. Simplicity always so that the Spirit comes to you with pleasure. And then, knowing how to hold back the Holy Spirit with a very lively purity. He does not stop where there is impurity. Finally fidelity to his inspirations. He is, so to speak, the eternal and divine Apostle who tirelessly preaches to souls the doctrine of Christ, who enlightens and explains it to you. But if he is ill received, if the doors of hearts are closed before him, if he is received with anger, he does what I told my Apostles: he goes away and his peace returns to him, while you are left without it.


God does not impose himself, except in special cases. He is always ready to come to your aid. But he wants from you the desire to receive him, the will to listen to him, the courage to follow him, the generosity to confess him. Then He embraces you, penetrates you, lifts you up, ignites you, deifies you, makes you change your poor animal nature into a wholly spiritual one, and like a flying eagle takes you high up, into the realms of Light, into regions of purity, he brings you closer to the Sun of charity and warms you with it, until he opens the doors of his Kingdom for you for an eternity of bliss.

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