Thursday, March 30, 2023

Key Free Doom


Key Free Doom


Key Free Doom – HOME PAGE


Key Free Doom is a comic that wants to retrace themes such as good and evil; the double and unitary force of these two essences, which coexist in each of us; in our every choice, consideration or judgment. Each character moves according to the basic evaluation that he has made: who for power, who for love, who for necessity or revenge. It’s a comic where the powers of the characters, are not just a pretext to hit the opponent and win a battle. Sometimes the character has to struggle with inner forces, come to terms with his own conscience, his own beliefs, problems and the society that surrounds him. Some of them are children of two worlds that have had the presumption of bringing together two different ways of understanding life; and they pay the price. Perhaps the most appropriate term for this comic is CYBER FANTASY. Technology, materialism, the superficiality produced by a selfish desire, collides with the search for affection, love and hope. A soul that screams, to be heard by a mind thirsty for the absolute; a pearl uprooted from the heart, in search of infinity. A thousand are the definitions that can be given to a comic, which wants to be an open book and a faithful travel companion… of our days.






He is the first Hosmy. He is also the founder of Key Free Doom, as well as being the charismatic leader. His greatest desire is to try to make the humans coexist in harmony with the Hosmy. Mik-El is also the Guardian of the three Nyxir jaspers. He has an energetic, balanced and calm character, but with a great inner strength.


Woon Powers:

At his will, he can acquire a pair of wings, which allow him to fly. In addition, his wings can throw gyner energy beams.






Mysoka is the Princess of Syfhan-Thir. She is a Cyber-Soul. Her soul is within a magical circuit, called Appyre. She is the only true Woonian existing on our planet. Mysoka has a soft heart… enclosed in a body forged by sharp blades.


Woon Powers:

She can break her exoskeleton apart into sharp shards made of Hossj metal. She can fly, and she is able to understand the Vraal energy of other people.






Before joining Key Free Doom, Kiger was in Aynex's group calling himself Xiger. For the moment he is not quite a "good", but over time he will be able to correct some angular sides of his character.


Woon Powers:

He has the ability to transform his right arm into any type of animal limb, whether terrestrial or Woonian.






He has recently graduated in medicine, veterinary address. He lives and works closely with his beloved dolphins in a water park. He has a sensitive and introspective character. He loves writing poetry.


Woon Powers:

Eklipse's right hand can emit a Gyner energy beam. At the height of the heart he can launch a beam of Woon light, which is able to question the life, choices and decisions of the victim. If he uses the Woon beam of light together with that of his right hand... the beam becomes very destructive.






Kess has a strong and decisive character. She loves to fly with her planes, which allow her to relax and unleash her sleeping fantasy of hers. Kess is dynamic, but at the same time she needs to radiate her multiple energies to her neighbor. She is also a great collector of minerals of all kinds.


Woon Powers:

She can transform her body into any type of stone or mineral, both of Earthly and Woonian origin. She can come to be part of a stone wall and even cross it.






Herkiss is self-confident, goliardic, nice, arrogant and sometimes even unscrupulous. Herkiss so far, she has made two films as an extra, and she is waiting for the big opportunity that opens the doors of the great cinema. She was friends with Mwenn, a Hosmy of Syfhan Thir, killed by Aynex. Herkiss is brackish but clear; exactly like sea water.


Woon Powers:

Herkiss can become entirely of water. She can create huge quantities of water out of nothing. Herkiss also have the ability to evaporate water in an organism.






She suffered from loneliness and contempt from an early age, due to her "Barbra Streisand" nose. In her plaster sculptures of hers, Kebel expresses many of her feelings about that she cannot express otherwise. Cerebral... perhaps this is the best term to describe Kebel's temperament; but be careful… even under the ashes, sometimes it lies… some fire.


Woon Powers:

She can transform into any type of plant or vegetable, even Woonian. She is capable of throwing thorns, Woonian suckers or whatever, at her will.




Key Free Doom è un fumetto che vuole ripercorrere tematiche quali il bene e il male. La forza duplice e unitaria di queste due essenze, che coesistono in ognuno di noi; in ogni nostra scelta, considerazione o giudizio. Ogni personaggio si muove secondo la valutazione di base che ha compiuto: chi per il potere, chi per amore, chi per necessità o vendetta. È un fumetto dove i poteri dei personaggi, non sono solo un pretesto per colpire l’avversario e vincere una battaglia. A volte il personaggio deve lottare con forze interiori, fare i conti con la propria coscienza, le proprie credenze, problematiche e la società che lo circonda. Alcuni di loro sono figli di due mondi che hanno avuto la presunzione di far convivere due maniere diverse di intendere la vita; e ne pagano il prezzo. Forse il termine più adatto per definire questo fumetto è CYBER FANTASY. La tecnologia, il materialismo, la superficialità prodotta da un desiderio egoistico, si scontra con la ricerca di affetto, amore e speranza. Un’anima che urla, per farsi ascoltare da una mente assetata di assoluto; una perla estirpata dal cuore, alla ricerca dell’infinito. Mille sono le definizioni che si possono dare a un fumetto, che vuole essere un libro aperto e un fedele compagno di viaggio… delle nostre giornate.


#keyfreedoom #KeyFreeDoom

#flaviasanti #superhero

#supereroi #comic #scifi #indiancomicbooks

#Indiecomics #fumetto #art #Novel

#comicbooks #comics #comicbook #artist

#originalcharacter #superheroine

#literary #essaywriting

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