Friday, December 3, 2021

Florjan: Heart of Wax – Presentation Fable


Florjan: Heart of Wax – Presentation Fable


Available on AMAZON.


Florjan is a Princess who has a heart of wax, visible to all. But this isn’t her only dilemma; indeed, no Prince wants to marry her... because she has an awful face.


But that's not all... since Artesio, the only man who has kidnapped her heart, does nothing but look for his future sweetheart... inside ancient books. As a result... what will be the fate, that our two heroes will meet?


Besides... will the fairy Falea, with her multicolored wings placed on her arms, succeed in removing the evil Duke Riosmo, from the Kingdom of Vanohen? And what about the evil Apekar, Queen of the warrior bees, who tries in every way… to overthrow the Ruler of Vanohen?


Do you think that's all...?

Then, wait until you meet Atron, a giant kangaroo, who is none other than the steed of the brave Captain Artesio. And what about the huge enchanted swan Taripan, which carries the Princess Florjan on its back?


In addition to the rest, you’ll surely be eager to see the marvelous luminescent statues, and the splendid but disturbing Centrilla, which instead of her hands… has huge claws.

And again... puzzles, deceptions, arcane and multiple spells... will lead you into a suggestive world, where drawings come to life... and ghosts are covered with brushwood!


So... are you sure you have a transparent heart, which is able to fly... on the wings of the imagination?




Briefly Extract of the Fable:


Once upon a time, in a very powerful Kingdom called Vanohen, there was a Monarch named Lumeo. The Monarch had a daughter named Florjan, whom no one proposed to marry, since she was really ugly and unattractive. In any case, the Monarch Lumeo, even if disconsolate, didn’t lose heart. And so, every twelve months, the Monarch tried to introduce the Princess, to young suitors.


Florjan was also famous, for the simple reason, that everyone could see her heart formed from wax. In short, her crystal chest made it possible to observe her heart; which was completely composed of a light and transparent patina of wax... and it was also positioned in the center of her chest. Princess Florjan's heart, was so similar to crystal, that one could even glimpse what was inside it. Usually, all people could saw, a graceful and lively tiny flame.

It should be added, that all the wonderful and elegant dresses of the Princess, were created in such a way as to allow a hem of her dress, to drop. All this, to be able to admire Florjan's heart of wax, without leaving her private parts uncovered.


To the insistent questions of the suitors, as to why the Princess had a heart of wax, the Monarch Lumeo replied, that perhaps the reason was to be found in their ancestors; some of whom had been esteemed sorcerers.


In any case, the suitors arrived in large numbers in the presence of the Monarch, more to observe that strange anomaly of Princess Florjan, than for anything else. In fact, the Florjan's heart of wax, had now become a legend in all neighboring and non-neighboring Kingdoms. But unfortunately, the bold young men, after contemplating Florjan's dreadful face... disappeared, uttering numerous excuses.


Princess Florjan had always suffered from her ugliness, but over the time she no longer paid much attention to it. Only recently did Florjan feel a spasm in her heart, as she fell in love with Artesio... who was none other, than the Captain of her father's army.


Unlike Princess Florjan, Artesio was truly a beautiful boy. It was no coincidence, that he was always surrounded by many girls and maidens; who boldly tried in every way to win his heart. However, the young Captain still didn’t think about taking a wife, since according to him...




Falea, however, fluttering nervously, wondered what was the meaning of the word "golgi" ...seen and considered that the beautiful Lady, hadn’t yet wanted to clarify. But indeed, with every question on that subject, Centrilla eclipsed everything by talking about something else.


But the fairy Falea didn’t give up. And that same night, while the Captain and the kangaroo Atron, snored in their room... she decided to flit around the huge complex of diamond rocks, looking for some answers.


Falea after a short journey, heard a strange noise coming from a long and tormenting staircase, which descended through the dungeons of one of the fortresses. With dexterity, Falea hovered in the direction of that unusual buzz... until she reached a huge iron door, studded with diadems and sapphires. And thanks to her small stature, Falea was able to quickly get through the lock.

And then, she saw them… some big ruby ​​red shells that hung on the walls, and even on the ceiling. Unexpectedly, the largest of the shells opened… letting see Centrilla nibbling with relish, a tray full of maggots, flies, worms and moths. But the scariest thing… was that from the waist down… Centrilla's body under her eyes, was slowly turning into a giant crab. In short, the upper part of Centrilla's body, was of a beautiful and attractive Lady... while from the waist down, four exorbitant crustacean paws could be seen. Not to mention the Lady's hands... which suddenly became two huge claws, which wisely grabbed some strange larvae, and then carried them voraciously, into her mouth. 


Falea staring at that repulsive scene, shocked… remained suspended in the air.


Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, Falea remembered what the word "golgi" meant. In short, GOLGI was a magic word, that meant "crustacean". And before Falea could only say a single word... Centrilla turned her gaze towards the tiny fairy; then with a biting smile, ordered her to come closer. Suddenly, all the other huge shells also opened, giving a glimpse of the giant and ravenous crabs.

At that sight, the fairy Falea took off a very fast flight in the opposite direction to the Lady of the Golgi; and she ran away through the lock of the iron gate…




…When they arrived in the audience hall, they brought a giant painting depicting a Lady with the features of a huge and statuesque Queen of the warrior bees... with hundreds of strange and large warrior bees in tow. The tiny fairy immediately, understood that the Duke wanted to create an army of his own.

And so... Falea in spite of her, with a gesture of her tiny hand... she let out a magical light, that brought to life the powerful Queen bee called Apekar, and her enormous and very dreadful warrior bees.


Apekar was really awful… in fact she was covered in a streaked patina of yellow and black, and hers huge wings were hooked. But the truly disturbing fact, was her grim and piercing gaze. In short, it was very clear that Apekar was an imperturbable, perfidious and evil warrior. Her power is soon understood, which consisted of hitting the victims, with a stinger that was positioned on her forehead. The frightening sting came out from Apekar's forehead, only when she wanted it; and she had the power to turn anyone struck, into ghosts. While the terrible and huge warrior bees, possessed the ability to make the victims faint for a few moments, pierced by their stingers.


Both the painter Lisarto and the Duke Riosmo, as soon as they saw Apekar with her army of huge warrior bees… they gave a biting grin. Later without any warning, Duke Riosmo ordered at the warrior bees to strike with their powerful quills, all the guardians and soldiers of the castle. All this, precisely to avoid potential insurrections.


Of course, the warriors tried in every way to defend themselves, or at least escape from those terrible bees. But as you can well imagine... the warrior bees in a short time, defeated all the fighters of the former Monarch Lumeo. In fact, the huge bees, having the ability to fly, had a noticeable advantage… and they hit the warriors more quickly with their stingers; making them pass out.


The statuary Apekar in all that upheaval, waiting to receive orders from the Duke, stared her bees fighting with an icy expression.

Finally, Duke Riosmo ordered Apekar to strike with her sting, all the fainted fighters; with the intention of making them ghosts. Indeed, when they became ghosts, the soldiers were unable to react; since they could no longer grab weapons or armor... but were only able to soar awkwardly in the air.


Falea tried in every way, to make Duke Riosmo think about it; telling him, to have mercy on them. But the Duke, supported by the painter Lisarto, didn’t give up in the least. And so, the terrible Apekar, made all the fainted warriors become ghosts. Later, when the warriors recovered, Apekar threatened them with the assertion that if they didn’t do as she said, she would make everyone in their families… into ghosts. In this way, Apekar forced all the warriors, to flit in the vicinity of some abandoned mines.


A few days passed, and the tiny fairy Falea didn’t know how to come to an end that terrible nightmare. Her only consolation, was…




…In all honesty, the young Captain no longer understood anything; and he wondered why Princess Florjan didn’t want to be pulled out, of that gloomy and inaccessible place. And after making sure, that his kangaroo friend was all right, Artesio quickly resumed his journey.

Finally, after a long wanderings, Artesio came to a narrow and dark cove, where in the half-light he recognized Princess Florjan, side by side with his swan friend.

Both stared at him, with an unfriendly expression. Without further ado, Artesio asked the Princess, why she was so aggressive; after all… he just wanted to help her out of there.

Florjan without uttering a single word, showed Artesio her heart of wax… where inside it, you could see a large chrysalis, surrounded by numerous and strange filaments of silk. The Princess then, with a sad voice but also full of hatred, declared “Do you understand now, Artesio? My heart is the symbol of what I am... a horrible being! For this reason, no one should see me like this, anymore! Now leave me alone... and go away!" she concluded dryly.


Artesio, not at all troubled by what he had seen and heard, tried to cheer Florjan up, telling that he knew her very well... and that he considered her a sweet and thoughtful girl. The Captain then went on, saying he didn't think she was a horrible person at all.

At those sweet words, Florjan began to cry tears of luminescent wax. Unexpectedly, Artesio took her hand, and gently... led her out of the mine, along with her enchanted swan…

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#fairytale #fantasy #novella

#literary #scrittura #racconto

#art #favola #fiaba #Novel

#Filmmaking #movie

#hollywood #lungometraggio #cinema

#marchen #fabula

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