Friday, December 3, 2021

Sady the Blackid – Presentation Fable


Sady – Presentation Fable


Available on AMAZON.


Sady the Blackid is a black boy, who is looking for his beloved mother. For this reason, he decides to escape from his college, and to wander around the world, following a huge and phantasmagoric circus.

And it’s precisely inside the wonderful circus, that Sady will meet some amazing characters; who will try to help him, in this arduous undertaking.


Elephants with three trunks, dwarf pythons, living dolls, carnivorous plants that run deliriously, toys that move on their own. All this and more… are just some of the unusual characters and events, that the little Sady will meet.


But we cannot forget, the wonderful and powerful Valkyries. Which, will find themselves… fighting an inexorable conflict of magic, truly breathtaking!


Are you curious…?

So, what are you waiting for, to enter into the wonderful circus… of fantasy?




Briefly Extract of the Fable:


Sady was a black boy of about eight years old, and he had escaped from that horrifying slum called boarding school, because he wanted at all costs, to find his mother. In fact, Sady had never known his mom; while his father had died when he was just two years old. But from what little he had been told, Sady knew that her mother was alive, and that she was wandering around the world; precisely because she loved freedom and independence. In any case, since the death of his father, Sady had been brought by the nurse, inside that ancient boarding school.


But now, Sady was determined to find his mother, across seas and mountains. He thus began to live on alms, wandering through the districts of some citadels. After a few days, Sady made friends with a poor old man who gave alms… performing small circus shows. The old man performed short circus shows, together with a blue pig called Bacco, and a lively indigo-colored goat, called Violarr.


The circus act performed in the districts, was really enjoyable. In fact, the old man could be observed playing a tiny flute, while the pig Bacco performed a short ballet and funny somersaults... until he jumped up with a sudden leap, on the back of the Violarr goat. Then the little pig, began to dance happily on the goat's back. But not only that... because also the goat, it began to do an amusing ballet.


In short, even if the performance was simple and modest... it attracted the sympathy and attention of passers-by, and especially of children…




…Verlena then, began to tell that the Valkyries often went to the surroundings of the castle, as there lived an enormous yellow talking spider, named Brusco. Which, he used to destroy and mess up, everything that was near the huge and notorious castle of him. In practice, Brusco delighted in destroying the forests by burning them, or he threw all the scraps and remains of him, into the river and lake. But that wasn’t all... since the big spider Brusco, overjoyed in making horrible mischief, even towards all those who came under fire. Not surprisingly, Brusco lived alone, since he was truly wicked and evil.


Sady was really impressed by that story, and he asked why all this would interest him.

Verlena continued, uttering that if Sady could speak to a Valkyrie, surely she would show him where her mother was… seen and considered that the Valkyries wandered far and wide, all over the world. And also the Valkyries, were able to travel through immense spaces, in a short time.

"Okay... keep going" said the little Blackid, more and more intrigued.

Verlena fervently continued, telling that Brusco often caused disasters and disorders in his territories, just to have fun in scrutinizing the Valkyries; which diligently put order and balance. In short, the devious Brusco, as well as perfidious was also cynical. Anyway, just because of all the countless crimes that Brusco committed... the Valkyries stayed for long periods in those areas, just to make those places better and more liveable.


The Valkyries, however, had a peculiarity... they were invisible to humans. And to be able to spot them, you had to drink a potion, that only Brusco possessed. In fact, Brusco was a skilled alchemist and herbalist, and he knew how to mix magical herbs, with rare quartz powders, with dexterity…




Cedro laughed at that statement; then… after a sudden shrug, he started to go away with Verlena... which in the meantime, became partly snake.

As soon as the Valkyrie realized, that she had been mocked and rejected, for a snake woman… she was furious as never before. And so, she began to grow enormous plants with multiple shapes very quickly, with the intent of catching the two lovers.


The warning screams uttered by Sady and Sinea, went unheard.

The Valkyrie Vyrjan, stared at Sady and Sinea with hatred... then suddenly numerous and enormous roots, grabbed Sady and Sinea by the ankles; preventing them from moving. In all that confusion, the dwarf python Pjtos slipped into Sady's pocket, and all shaking… never moved from there.


Meanwhile, unlikely... numerous plants with sharp thorns, grew out of all proportion, chasing the two fugitives. Verlena, now entirely become a huge python, tried to avoid them... and often she succeeded. But the plants were incredibly fast… and in fact sometimes they hit Verlena hard, making her to stagger. While Cedro, being a very skilled trapeze artist, whenever a mighty branch tried to hit him… he somehow managed to jump around it, and even use it as a stepping stone to escape.


But the Valkyrie Vyrjan the more time passed, the more combative and impetuous she became. As a result, she magically made terrifying carnivorous plants come out of the ground, wisely chasing the two lovers.


Suddenly, Cedro leaned on the huge python, which was none other than his beloved Verlena; which seemed to be faster and more dynamic, in avoiding those ravenous plants.

The long and frantic run, ended when the two unfortunates, reached the shores of a huge lake. And only there, they didn’t know what to do... because behind them, many huge carnivorous plants… were about to arrive.


Verlena returned to her human form; while Cedro sensing their end... with tears in his eyes... hugged her.


The Valkyrie of the plants, didn’t delay hers appearance... and unexpectedly both Cedro and Verlena, felt a strange tingling at their feet. And always embraced, they did nothing but close their eyes... while a dense and fast patina of fairy moss, began to completely cover their bodies.

When all was finished, nothing remained… but two statues made of fairy moss; that reproduced the two lovers... close to each other.


Vyrjan, gave a bitter grin. Afterward, she promptly returned to Sady and the sweet Sinea, who, still dumbfounded and annihilated, were watching their friends… who had become some austere and grassy statues.

The Valkyrie, after freeing Sady and Sinea from the enormous roots at the ankles, expressed in a firm and resolute voice, that the search for Sady was over. Because her mom from then on… would be her.


The Blackid gasped, without uttering a single word. Afterward, Vyrjan without hesitation went on, asserting that both of them would live in her residence tower; and that the living doll Sinea, would look after Sady during her absence. Sady at that point, began to sob; while Sinea tried to console him, as best she could…

#flaviasanti #fable #ecriture

#fairytale #fantasy #novella

#literary #scrittura #racconto

#art #favola #fiaba #Novel

#Filmmaking #movie

#hollywood #lungometraggio #cinema

#marchen #fabula

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