Friday, December 3, 2021

Starflower and Lotusflower – Presentation Fable


Starflower and Lotusflower –

Presentation Fable


Available on AMAZON.


This fairy tale, narrates the story of the beautiful Prince Averoro, who falls in love with a Nymph who hides a past full of mysteries. Many of which, are contained in a fairy mirror.


In addition, the Prince will have to deal with a mysterious dwarf Elf called Elpidio, who secretly sneaks into a lake... to re-emerge in a fantasy world.


And how can we forget the terrible Black Magician called Lotusflower, whose face is veiled by a golden mask? Mask that the Black Magician cannot remove, despite her enormous magical powers. And for this reason, Lotusflower is looking for half of a fairy mirror, in all the neighboring kingdoms.


Then? Do you also want to discover, the secrets that lie behind the huge "Gems Barrier"? Do you want to go down the stairs of a wonderful castle, and find out with the Nymph of the Lake, what the enchanted casket contains?


And finally... the brave Prince Averoro, will have to face a terrible jaguar that multiplies to infinity... and then he’ll have to pay attention to Ibris, a spy bat. And what about the imposing Posio octopus, which in a winding tunnel under the shores of an enchanted lake… awaits the Prince to grab it?


If you have recovered from all this... this is the fairytale for you.




Briefly Extract of the Fable:


And while curiously he watched that enchanted place... Prince Averoro returned to his human form.

After a few moments, the Prince saw a beautiful blond-haired girl, flying towards him. Averoro immediately, realized that she was the Nymph of the Lake. In fact, she was perfectly identical, to the description he had heard uttered, by the little Elf Elpidio.


Completed the beautiful flight, Fairy Esthel albeit with a little hesitation, introduced herself to the stranger; who returned the greeting with a bow and a delicate kiss of the hand.

Fairy Esthel, after having enunciated her name, introduced the young Prince to her beloved friends... who were none other than the blue panda Ludi, nice and playful. The owl Panora, wise and devoted companion of adventures. And finally, her trusted advisor: the dwarf Elf Elpidio. Who was the only one bothered, by that unexpected encounter. And so it was that, muttering something nervously, the Elf Elpidio went away... closely followed by the gruff turtle Idra.


Fairy Esthel began to make known to the young Prince, her enchanted kingdom. And so she led him to see the wonderful fountains… gushing with an unusual blue phosphorescent liquid. And then again… golden frogs jumping happily between flower and flower. Flying tadpoles that dived with joy, into the huge blue green lake. And what about those silvery and mischievous ladybugs, who fluttered happily… around fragrant cyclamen?


Prince Averoro, in the time spent with the Nymph of the Lake, was surprised to realize that Fairy Esthel had never left that enchanted place. The reason was that the Nymph would have died, if she had crossed the "Gems Barrier". This is because, Fairy Esthel couldn’t sense or feel too strong emotions, such as sadness... except with the consequence of a terrible death.

Besides, Fairy Esthel explained to the Prince, that she knew perfectly the secret passage under the lake, to enter or leave her fairy kingdom. But that there was a very powerful spell, which prevented her from going through the secret tunnel. In addition, the Nymph of the Lake added that she herself had asked at the Dwarf Elf, to bring her those tasty and colorful mushrooms. Because unfortunately, in her realm the mushrooms didn’t exist.


And it’s useless to remember, that with the passage of time... the two fell madly in love. But it had been a long time now; and Averoro had to return to Doranzica, to take the antidote. So it was that Fairy Esthel got to know, that Prince Averoro would never be able to return to her. The reason was simple… the magic potion that made him a dolphin, it could be drunk… once. Otherwise, the Prince would have become a dolphin forever.


Averoro and the Nymph knew very well, that they couldn’t even ask the Elf Elpidio for help. Precisely, because the dwarf Elf was extremely opposed to their meeting. In particular for this reason, Averoro promised himself to find another way to reach her. Assuring Fairy Esthel, that with the help of his friend the Sorceress Logofrena... he would find a solution.


Then, with a lot of sadness in his heart, Averoro took leave of the Nymph...




Meanwhile, in a very distant realm, Lotusflower also known as the terrible Black Magician, for many years she had been searching with breathlessness, the half of a fairy mirror. That's right... a fairy mirror, which would have allowed her to remove her beautiful but terrible golden mask, which covered her face.

In fact, over the years, Lotusflower had come to know, that only by reuniting the fairy mirror in her possession, with the other half missing... she would be able to take off that hated golden mask.

Well... despite her incredible magical power, Lotusflower had never managed to remove the golden mask, which unfortunately covered her face.


And how much the Black Magician suffered in wearing that golden mask, only her closest confidant and her adviser... the judicious and wise snail Sagsa, fully understood her. Indeed, the huge snail Sagsa had had the privilege of observing Lotusflower, trying several times with all her magical forces... to get rid of that hated mask.

Even once, in an attempt to take away the golden mask, the Black Magician was in exasperation... with her long black nails, she had even injured herself on her neck. And she had also lost some strands, of her beautiful black hair.

But that was not all... because frequently, like drops of red-hot fire on a sheet of icy ice... copious tears furrowed that repulsive golden mask.


Lotusflower’s trusted armed forces too, had been looking for many years in all the neighboring and non-neighboring kingdoms, the half of the fairy mirror... but always without any positive result. Among the most loyal warriors of the Black Magician, the bat Ibris and the jaguar Chjra stood vigorously. The peculiarity of the jaguar Chjra, was to multiply his body by a thousand, becoming an army in its own right. While the bat Ibris, was famous for his cunning and astuteness.

In any case, despite the countless failures obtained, Lotusflower didn’t give up. And so... the Black Magician sent again the jaguar Chjra and the bat Ibris, in search of the half of the fairy mirror

#flaviasanti #fable #ecriture

#fairytale #fantasy #novella

#literary #scrittura #racconto

#art #favola #fiaba #Novel

#Filmmaking #movie

#hollywood #lungometraggio #cinema

#marchen #fabula

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