Monday, November 6, 2023

Flavia Santi - Poem n. 112 - I Speak


Flavia Santi - Poem n. 112 - I Speak:




I speak to the deaf... and he listens to me.

I talk to the wall... and it reverberates.

I speak to the Moon... and it lights up.

I talk to the deer... and he smiles at me.

I talk to the flower... and it colours.

I speak to the man... and I have no answer.


Flavia Santi - Poesia n. 112 – Parlo:


Parlo al sordo… e mi ascolta.

Parlo al muro… e riverbera.

Parlo alla Luna… e s’illumina.

Parlo al cervo… e mi sorride.

Parlo al fiore… e si colora.

Parlo all’uomo… e non ho risposta.




#flaviasanti #poem #aphorism

#poetry #literary #poesia

#art #poeme #lyrik #ecriture

#schreiben #pensieri #poesiaitaliana

#gedichte #gedanken #ecriture

#aise #gedicht #poet #libri

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