Thursday, July 13, 2023

FLORIAN, Heart of Wax - Fable - Fairy Tale- Fantasy


FLORIAN, Heart of Wax





Florjan is a Princess who has a heart of wax, visible to all. But this isn’t her only dilemma; indeed, no Prince wants to marry her... because she has an awful face.


But that's not all... since Artesio, the only man who has kidnapped her heart, does nothing but look for his future sweetheart... inside ancient books. As a result... what will be the fate, that our two heroes will meet?


Besides... will the fairy Falea, with her multicolored wings placed on her arms, succeed in removing the evil Duke Riosmo, from the Kingdom of Vanohen? And what about the evil Apekar, Queen of the warrior bees, who tries in every way… to overthrow the Ruler of Vanohen?


Do you think that's all...?

Then, wait until you meet Atron, a giant kangaroo, who is none other than the steed of the brave Captain Artesio. And what about the huge enchanted swan Taripan, which carries the Princess Florjan on its back?


In addition to the rest, you’ll surely be eager to see the marvelous luminescent statues, and the splendid but disturbing Centrilla, which instead of her hands… has huge claws.

And again... puzzles, deceptions, arcane and multiple spells... will lead you into a suggestive world, where drawings come to life... and ghosts are covered with brushwood!


So... are you sure you have a transparent heart, which is able to fly... on the wings of the imagination?



 FLORIAN, Heart of Wax

Once upon a time, in a very powerful Kingdom called Vanohen, there was a Monarch named Lumeo. The Monarch had a daughter named Florjan, whom no one proposed to marry, since she was really ugly and unattractive. In any case, the Monarch Lumeo, even if disconsolate, didn’t lose heart. And so, every twelve months, the Monarch tried to introduce the Princess, to young suitors.


Florjan was also famous, for the simple reason, that everyone could see her heart formed from wax. In short, her crystal chest made it possible to observe her heart; which was completely composed of a light and transparent patina of wax... and it was also positioned in the center of her chest. Princess Florjan's heart, was so similar to crystal, that one could even glimpse what was inside it. Usually, all people could saw, a graceful and lively tiny flame.

It should be added, that all the wonderful and elegant dresses of the Princess, were created in such a way as to allow a hem of her dress, to drop. All this, to be able to admire Florjan's heart of wax, without leaving her private parts uncovered.


To the insistent questions of the suitors, as to why the Princess had a heart of wax, the Monarch Lumeo replied, that perhaps the reason was to be found in their ancestors; some of whom had been esteemed sorcerers.


In any case, the suitors arrived in large numbers in the presence of the Monarch, more to observe that strange anomaly of Princess Florjan, than for anything else. In fact, the Florjan's heart of wax, had now become a legend in all neighboring and non-neighboring Kingdoms. But unfortunately, the bold young men, after contemplating Florjan's dreadful face... disappeared, uttering numerous excuses.


Princess Florjan had always suffered from her ugliness, but over the time she no longer paid much attention to it. Only recently did Florjan feel a spasm in her heart, as she fell in love with Artesio... who was none other, than the Captain of her father's army.


Unlike Princess Florjan, Artesio was truly a beautiful boy. It was no coincidence, that he was always surrounded by many girls and maidens; who boldly tried in every way to win his heart. However, the young Captain still didn’t think about taking a wife, since according to him... he liked to remain free and wild.


Captain Artesio was always accompanied by his trusted friend, a singular talking kangaroo named Atron; whose peculiarity was that it was truly enormous. Even Artesio to travel vast or short distances, didn’t use his vigorous steed... but slipped into the huge pouch of the kangaroo.

Artesio had become not only a confidant, but also a dear friend of the Princess. And often seeing Florjan alone... it was Artesio who gave her a huge enchanted swan, named Taripan.

Taripan was so well received by Princess Florjan, that it wasn’t uncommon to see her, flutter here and there in the vicinity of the castle, on the back of the huge swan. And also the Princess could be seen sometimes chatting, with the enchanted swan; who also had the faculty of speech. In addition to the rest, it was frequently possible to observe the young Captain, inside his kangaroo friend, competing with Florjan and Taripan, on who was faster to reach isolated mountain peaks.


But those joyful moments, didn’t last long... indeed in a cold and dark night, the young Captain began to fulfill an unusual dream. In the dream Artesio, while was walking in a huge and ancient library... opening an ancient book, he met a beautiful girl. The beautiful Lady, all shining with numerous fairy pearls… smiled at him with joy. That's right... a beautiful Lady drawn inside the book, she moved and spoke to the Captain, with extreme sweetness. But the really surprising fact, was that Captain Artesio no longer remembered her face, when he woke up. The only thing he knew for sure... is that the graceful Lady, was of a phenomenal beauty.


Either way, imperturbably the dream presented itself to him, every night. And so, since Artesio began to dream of the beautiful Lady, a sweet desire to get married… began to develop in his heart. In addition, the more time passed, the more the Captain was fascinated by the sweetness and prettiness of the Lady. Until one night in the middle of the dream, Artesio asked at the shining girl... who she was.


The young Lady smiled with joy, and later claimed to be the one who would one day, become his bride. But all of this, would have happened, only and exclusively, if he had looked for her. And to Artesio's insistent requests, to know her name... the Lady suddenly vanished, without giving him any response.


Captain Artesio, as soon as he woke up, quickly went to ask the Monarch's confidant for advice… which was none other than Falea, a singular and tiny fairy.


It should be known, that Falea had been created many years ago, by a very powerful enchantress; who had formed her using tempera colors, mixed with drops of tears. But the most surprising fact, was that Falea had three pairs of wings for each arm; and also, her hair was the color of the rainbow... which as they passed, left a faint and smoky trail of impalpable color in the air.


However, Falea despite being the size of a little butterfly, had been the confidant and adviser of the Monarchs of the Kingdom of Vanohen, for many generations. In essence, the tiny fairy couldn’t absolutely follow the orders of other people or rulers, if not of him or her, who was the Monarchs of the Kingdom of Vanohen. This ancient spell of absolute obedience to the Monarch of Vanohen, was implemented precisely to prevent the enemies of the Kingdom, from kidnapping the tiny fairy... and then, using her magical powers, to overthrow the Monarch.


Anyway, the peculiarity of the fairy Falea, was to be able to transfer human beings inside the paintings. But not only… because Falea, possessed the faculty to bring the drawings to life. This singular magical ability, had allowed at the Kingdom of Vanohen, to oppose at the multiple peremptory assaults of the adversaries. This is because, the fairy had often had to make many warriors live, coming from the conspicuous paintings and tapestries, that were on the walls of the castle. Basically, as soon as a war against other usurping realms began… Falea transmuted the painted warriors… into real fighters. Precisely for this reason throughout the castle, the walls were covered with enormous tapestries and paintings, depicting warriors with mighty armor.


But that wasn’t all... since even the tiny fairy Falea, used to live inside an unusual painting, called Fungorjan. The Fungorjan tapestry, illustrated a wonderful valley with huge mushrooms, in one of which the fairy had her unique little house. In Fungorjan, there were animals of unusual proportions too. Not by chance, in the vicinity of the Falea’s mushroom house, one could see several elephants, steeds, rhinos and giraffes, which were as minute as mice. On the contrary, ants, lizards and snails of enormous size, were noticed.


The excited run of Captain Artesio, ended when he found himself in front of the huge Fungorjan tapestry. With a breathless voice, the Captain called the minute fairy, who it flew soaring with her small wings, positioned on her arms... greeted Artesio affectionately. Without wasting time, the Captain told the fairy, that he had to speak to her urgently. After that, the tiny fairy magically made Artesio, become a drawing inside the Fungorjan tapestry.


As soon as he entered the fairy's mushroom house, Artesio told her about his dream. Soon after, the Captain asked Falea if the dream was a true event… or just a simple illusion.

Falea after giving a delicious biscuit to his giant ant, took an opalescent ampoule and broke it against a wall. The Captain smiled at that unusual act, but after a while... from the steam that escaped from the shattered ampoule, he saw with interest a firefly with golden wings. For a few moments, the firefly fluttered joyfully around the small house; after which the golden winged firefly, disappeared… leaving behind her a graceful scent of roses.


Artesio waited impatiently for the answer, scrutinizing the tiny fairy with growing interest. Meanwhile the gluttonous ant, ravenously munched the biscuit.

Suddenly Falea with an amused air, uttered that the dream was authentic; indeed... more than a dream, it was a true prophecy.

The joyful young Captain patted the ant, and then asked at the fairy, what he had to do to meet the beautiful Lady of the dream.

The fairy Falea asked Artesio again, if he really didn’t remember the face of the beautiful Lady of the dream. The young Captain replied, that strangely he didn’t remember her face, and didn’t even know her name.

Falea after doing a dance with a small elephant that wandered around the room, she replied that he had to undertake a long journey inside the royal library. In fact, the fairy exhibited with certainty, that inside some books there were wonderful drawings; some of which depicted truly charming maidens, in search of husbands.


Captain Artesio was a bit perplexed by that unusual intuition... but Falea immediately explained to him, that after finding the beautiful girl of the dream, she herself with the help of magic, would make her a true and real Lady... in short, in flesh and bone.

Artesio sighed slightly, then realized that in fact the young Lady, he had dreamed of her inside a book... so the fairy's reasoning was flawless. As a result of this, Artesio decided to go on the long itinerary, in search of the wonderful damsel of the dream.


Falea amused and with growing curiosity, wanted to follow the Captain in search of his beloved. But of course, both Falea and Artesio asked for a private audience with the Monarch Lumeo; precisely to have the consent to make that unusual journey.


Lisarto, the famous court painter, was also at the audience; who listened with extreme attention, that unusual story.

The Monarch Lumeo wasn’t at all in agreement in giving his consent, regarding that strange and unusual itinerary. Furthermore, the Monarch Lumeo feared that without Falea at his side, his Kingdom would be in great danger. But the painter Lisarto promptly convinced the Monarch, to accept that Falea and the Captain, would leave. On the other hand… it was only a short period of time.


The Monarch Lumeo, after a brief reflection, finally gave his assent... "But only for two, at most three days!" was his redundant sentence. The tiny fairy and Artesio after a short bow, left the audience hall, with a pleased air.

But the expression of the painter Lisarto, had something sinister about it. And after a brief and nebulous reflection... Lisarto ran towards the tiny fairy and the Captain. And after reaching Falea, the painter told her that all night long, he would look in the library for books with drawings of fabulous ladies. All to agevolat them, in their research. Both Artesio and Falea, after exchanging a quick glance... agreed. After that, they both went to warn Princess Florjan, about their momentary departure.


As soon as Princess Florjan heard that news, she burst into tears… that no one was able to console; and then shut herself up in her room, with her swan friend Taripan.

The Princess knew well, that now the hope of marrying the Captain Artesio, was completely vanished. The young Captain, would never have wanted a Lady with a dreadful face, like her. In fact, he preferred to go and look for a painted Lady... without a soul... rather than being close to a monster. But these thoughts weren’t caught by Artesio, and even the fairy was surprised by this event. And despite Artesio tried to talk to the Princess again... there was nothing to be done. From the closed door, it was heard only a blind shout… of the Taripan swan.


Meanwhile, the painter Lisarto was all anxious; in fact, he thought of a plan to help the rise to power of his friend and ally: the perfidious Duke Riosmo. In fact, it’s necessary to know, that Duke Riosmo was a confidant of the Monarch, who lived in neighboring lands. Which, after the premature death of his wife... he had returned the desire to conquer new Kingdoms and realms. But unfortunately, Duke Riosmo didn’t have a powerful and numerous armies, like that of the Monarch Lumeo. And then, both the Duke and the painter Lisarto, were looking for a way to conquer the Kingdom of Vanohen, through grim expedients.

Precisely for this reason, Duke Riosmo had deviously offered the Monarch Lumeo, to keep his friend with him… the painter Lisarto. Who, in addition to acting as a spy, over time without being noticed... had the devious task of redesigning a mediocre army, without too ferocious weapons. And in fact, during the two years that he was in the service of the Monarch Lumeo, the painter Lisarto had repainted the soldiers who were on the vast walls of the castle... with very poor and defective armor and defense tools.


Only Falea, had noticed those drawings made clumsily. But Lisarto, with mellifluous and lying words, had managed to convince the Monarch Lumeo, that things were fine this way.


But due to the succession of new events, Lisarto had been forced to speed up the times. And as a consequence of this, Lisarto, after walking to the aviary and sent a carrier pigeon to the Duke Riosmo... quickly made his way to the royal library, to implement his diabolical project. And so, Lisarto didn’t sleep during that long night, but began to draw dangerous and disturbing ladies, on some ancient tomes in the library. And while Lisarto drew... a biting grin surfaced on his face.


At dawn, Artesio, after taking his beloved sword and his emerald boomerang... he got inside on the huge pouch of his friend Atron. Later, through some powerful jumps of the kangaroo... Artesio headed to the huge royal library. After a few moments, he was joined by the minute fairy Falea, closely followed by the disloyal painter Lisarto.


Lisarto, who was holding a small parchment in his hand, without batting an eyelid pointed to some volumes to the fairy, where the drawings of beautiful ladies could be found. Falea carefully, read what the painter had marked on the small parchment; and after saying some magic formulas... she tumbled with Artesio and his kangaroo friend, inside a dusty volume in the library.


Suddenly the young Captain, Falea and Atron, found themselves in an enchanting land, where you could spot some singular fortresses, made up of huge diamonds. In fact, the enormous fortresses were joined together, by means of thin galleries, which hovered above the angular marble pillars, set with diamonds. Without wasting time, the fairy suggested to enter and see if the damsel, that the painter Lisarto had indicated to her, was in that place.


Artesio entered without any fear… and immediately made acquaintance with Centrilla, the Lady of the Golgi. Centrilla was truly a wonderful girl; more than the painter Lisarto had reported. Indeed, the Lady of the Golgi was tall and slender, and her black flowing hair, ran down her back like swollen rivers.

Artesio was trying to realize if she was the Lady of his dream, since he didn’t know her name; not to mention her face... seeing and considering, that he didn't remember it at all. Precisely for this reason, Artesio stormed her with questions; and the answers, while pleasant, added nothing to what he already knew.


In the meantime, helped by her small stature, the fairy Falea intrigued by the peculiarity of that place... she began to flutter around the various diamond rocks. And also Falea flew fast, in the enormous stairways and galleries, which joined the numerous fortresses together. Every now and then, the fairy spotted some enormous vermilion shells, which stood near large windows... but it didn't bother her much.


The more time passed, the more the Monarch Lumeo felt insecure. In fact, he continually thought about what would happen if at that moment, some sovereigns hungry for power, had attacked them. Sure… Lumeo possessed a mighty army of valiant men; but their real fighting strength, resided in the fairy Falea. And only the portentous militias portrayed on the paintings and tapestries of the castle, were able to defeat the most aggressive armies.


Naturally the painter Lisarto, perceiving the worried Monarch... continued to reassure him.


But the unusual events, certainly didn’t finish there. It’s no coincidence, that since Artesio's departure, Princess Florjan had started sculpting wonderful statues. One of the extraordinary events, was that the Princess created her sculptures, very quickly. In fact, in half a day, a dozen wonderful statues could already be seen. In addition to this, the sculptures were made of a very special material, similar to white marble; which however had the peculiarity of magically shining and lighting up.


Princess Florjan sculpted the beautiful statues, in her room behind closed doors, to avoid being disturbed by so much hype. The uproar was due to the fact, that those unusual shining sculptures, were so fascinating and unusual… that many people had begun to come to admire them. To such an extent, that the Monarch Lumeo, seeing the amazement that everyone felt in observing those wonderful statues... had them placed in a huge room.


And to the incessant requests from her father, in wanting to know where that enchanted marble came from… Princess Florjan gave no answer. In short, in the whole Kingdom… no one knew where Florjan found, that singular shining marble. However, the painter Lisarto firmly believed, that it must have been the work of Taripan, the enchanted Swan. It’s no coincidence that during the night, Lisarto had seen the huge swan, flitting near abandoned mines. So the painter had begun to think, that Taripan had found enchanted marbles… in the vicinity of some old abandoned mines.


But the surprises for the Monarch Lumeo, continued. In fact, without any warning... Duke Riosmo unexpectedly arrived; who sentenced that he had made the decision to court Princess Florjan. The Monarch Lumeo was truly amazed by that declaration, given that the Duke had never proposed himself, as the hypothetical husband of his daughter. But Duke Riosmo, after having bestowed a malicious smile, stated that it was not long ago that he had recovered from the pain, for the death of his beloved wife. And he was so convincing in his pantomime, that the Monarch Lumeo fatally believed it. To such a point, that Lumeo decided to utter the good news himself, to his daughter.


But Princess Florjan really didn't want to know, to become the wife of that Duke with such a greedy and mucilaginous expression. And then Florjan's heart, was now everything for Artesio; and she wouldn’t have loved anyone else.

The Monarch Lumeo was absolutely not in agreement with Florjan; in fact it didn’t seem true, that someone was finally deciding to marry his daughter. And he had no intention, of putting off anything. Indeed, the Monarch was happy that someone would marry Florjan; as he feared that she would become a lonely spinster, without giving him descendants.


And so... on the advice of the painter Lisarto, the Monarch Lumeo ordered that the wedding ceremony, absolutely had to take place in the following days. Naturally the fear of the Monarch Lumeo, was based on a possible rethinking of the Duke Riosmo; just as it had happened many other times, with previous suitors.


The night in that singular place, was quick to arrive; and Artesio, speaking to the tiny fairy, was sure that Centrilla was the Lady of his dream. In short, could the young Captain, possibly meet a more beautiful and sweet Lady, than Centrilla? Even the huge kangaroo Atron, was delighted by the beauty of the Lady of the Golgi; and he made it clear to everyone, by hopping happily.


Falea, however, fluttering nervously, wondered what was the meaning of the word "golgi" ...seen and considered that the beautiful Lady, hadn’t yet wanted to clarify. But indeed, with every question on that subject, Centrilla eclipsed everything by talking about something else.


But the fairy Falea didn’t give up. And that same night, while the Captain and the kangaroo Atron, snored in their room... she decided to flit around the huge complex of diamond rocks, looking for some answers.


Falea after a short journey, heard a strange noise coming from a long and tormenting staircase, which descended through the dungeons of one of the fortresses. With dexterity, Falea hovered in the direction of that unusual buzz... until she reached a huge iron door, studded with diadems and sapphires. And thanks to her small stature, Falea was able to quickly get through the lock.

And then, she saw them… some big ruby ​​red shells that hung on the walls, and even on the ceiling. Unexpectedly, the largest of the shells opened… letting see Centrilla nibbling with relish, a tray full of maggots, flies, worms and moths. But the scariest thing… was that from the waist down… Centrilla's body under her eyes, was slowly turning into a giant crab. In short, the upper part of Centrilla's body, was of a beautiful and attractive Lady... while from the waist down, four exorbitant crustacean paws could be seen. Not to mention the Lady's hands... which suddenly became two huge claws, which wisely grabbed some strange larvae, and then carried them voraciously, into her mouth.


Falea staring at that repulsive scene, shocked… remained suspended in the air.


Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, Falea remembered what the word "golgi" meant. In short, GOLGI was a magic word, that meant "crustacean". And before Falea could only say a single word... Centrilla turned her gaze towards the tiny fairy; then with a biting smile, ordered her to come closer. Suddenly, all the other huge shells also opened, giving a glimpse of the giant and ravenous crabs.

At that sight, the fairy Falea took off a very fast flight in the opposite direction to the Lady of the Golgi; and she ran away through the lock of the iron gate.


Falea darted away as fast as she could; but her fairy hair, which unfortunately left behind a trail of smoldering colors… didn’t allow her to hide the direction of her tormented flight: …to reach Artesio.


The young Captain and the kangaroo Atron, didn’t want to believe those bizarre words, uttered by the fairy. How could such a beautiful, sweet and kind woman... do that rubbish?

But Artesio, had to change his mind when Centrilla arrived, with hundreds of huge vermilion crabs in her wake.

The Lady of the Golgi, while she moved her flowing hair with a huge claw, advised Artesio in a hypocritically caressing voice… to marry her. The young Captain, after having scanned the crab body of the Lady... didn’t think twice to retort his energetic "NO!".


At that point, Centrilla began to attack Artesio, trying to grab him with her powerful claws. The Captain was able with his sword, to remove the mighty claws of the Lady of the Golgi. Subsequently, Artesio with dexterity, used his emerald boomerang, to collapse an ancient and strange candlestick, positioned above Centrilla's head.


Meanwhile, the tiny fairy tried to make the large crabs harmless, by means of flashes of sparkling magic... which were able to stick together the claws of the crustaceans. At the same time the kangaroo Atron, with mighty leaps, avoided the ravenous claws of some huge crabs... and then with its strong paws, it inflicted tough kicks on them, making them jump away.


But the fight didn’t last long... how could a Lady, in fact, defeat a strong and trained Captain? And so, Artesio won the bloody fight; and the Lady of the Golgi, feeling defeated, wisely pierced herself with the same claws as hers. In that instant, all the big crabs fled away in a flash, inside some huge inlets of the fortress. But the extraordinary thing, was that Centrilla became an impalpable evanescent smoke, leaving hers fade... a silver pendant that depicted a small crab.


The tiny fairy Falea was amazed, as was Artesio and the kangaroo Atron. Finally, the Captain, on the advice of Falea, took the pendant and placed it in the chain he was holding around his neck. And so... even if with a little sadness in their hearts, all three set off towards the second book, recommended by the painter Lisarto.


Early in the morning in the Kingdom of Vanohen, it was decided to realize the engagement party, between Duke Riosmo and the Princess Florjan. The Princess had a distressed expression, while the Duke did nothing but giggle wisely, with all the numerous guests. Even the Monarch Lumeo had a satisfied face, and he thought in his heart, that finally his dynasty could well hope for a worthy succession.


The only unusual aspect of the party, was that the Princess wore a very elegant dress, but which didn’t allow anyone… to observe her heart of wax. The painter Lisarto, teased by this event, suggested to the Duke to ask at his future bride, to show him her heart... as a sign of affection and benevolence. But at the Duke's request, Princess Florjan resolutely denied having her heart scrutinized.


But the painter, more and more suspicious, decided to solve the matter with one of his malicious expedients. And so Lisarto, with false calmness, asked the Princess to do a dance. And as they danced a melodious Viennese waltz, the painter cooldy tore off Florjan's robe… allowing everyone, to see her heart of wax.


In the sumptuous ballroom, a sepulchral silence immediately descended. All those present fell silent, as they observed the heart of the Princess; inside which… could be glimpsed with accuracy, a gruesome worm that moved sinuously.

What became, of the wonderful and lively slight flame? This was the question, which raged in the minds of the guests.


The drama that followed shortly after, it is easy to imagine... who screamed, who fainted, who ran, who went away indignant; some even tried to drive Florjan away with biting words. But the Princess remained motionless and static, devouring that delirious crowd, with a sharp gaze. And after calling her faithful swan Taripan to her side, with the dignity of a Queen... Florjan walked into her room.


Duke Riosmo, unlike those present, and following the exhortation of his painter friend Lisarto, declared that this singular event didn’t frighten him at all. The Monarch Lumeo, who in the meantime was tasted some salts, so as not to faint... realizing that the event didn’t upset too much the Duke... he sighed with relief... thinking to himself "The dynasty is safe!".


It was wonderful to watch Falea, while with her multicolored hair, made the spell of transfer from one book to another. Indeed, thousands of multiple glittering stars, swirled around Artesio and the kangaroo Atron, and then transferred them all, into the drawings of the second volume.


The new environment, was entirely different from the previous one; in fact you could see the wonderful mountains and ancient bridges, which connected the reliefs in a truly unusual way. But the truly amazing thing was, when they spotted a beautiful red-haired Lady, who was flying circling towards them. That's right, the Lady had some beautiful and huge red eagle wings. And escorted by her friendly eagle friends... the Lady soared in the wind, with dexterity and ease.


As soon as she reached the young Captain, the Lady immediately introduced herself, saying that she was Wedjala, the Patrician of the eagles. Artesio, after a graceful hand kiss, explained to her… that he was looking for the Lady of his life. Wedjala asserted firmly, that she was her dream maiden. Naturally, the young Captain began to bombard her with questions; all while the Patrician of the eagles, took him to visit the numerous and fantastic places of her Kingdom.


Meanwhile Falea, with the assist of the kangaroo Atron, was trying to find out if Wedjala also, had some horrifying mystery to hide. As expected, some eagles followed the movements of the tiny fairy, fluttering behind her… without losing sight of her for a moment. But the fairy, thanks to her tiny stature, soon managed to outrun those annoying eagles.


Falea thus began to plumb the peaks of the marvelous mountains; but as twilight came… she still hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary. And when she thought it was all normal... suddenly the kangaroo Atron warned her, that it had glimpsed a huge eagle, carrying a lunch box full of dead rats and toads, inside a cave on top of a high mountain. Precisely, inside the relief where Wedjala, the Patrician of the eagles, had gone shortly before.


Artesio even this time, didn’t want to believe that there was anything anomalous in Wedjala. Falea then, to refute any doubts, she decided to reach that cave together with Artesio and Atron. So, the young Captain got inside the kangaroo's large pouch, and between one leap and the next... arrived at the infamous cave. So it was, that they spotted Wedjala, surrounded by her eagle friends.

The Patrician of the eagles, was always very beautiful and attractive... but now, her hands were turning into two enormous claws; which greedily seized dead rats and toads, and then eagerly devoured them. And not only... because in conversing with her eagle friends, the Patrician Wedjala clearly reiterated that the next day's meal... consisted of a succulent roasted Captain, surrounded by fresh kangaroo meat.


Frightened by this horror... Artesio, the tiny fairy and the kangaroo, decided by mutual agreement, to run away. The young Captain, put himself back in the pouch of the kangaroo Atron, while the fairy Falea flew in front of them. All three full of anxiety, tried to find in that steep mountain, the easiest way to get away.


Unexpectedly, they heard a horrifying whistle above their heads; who was nothing more than a huge spy eagle... trying to warn her mistress, with that screech. Moments later, Wedjala sensing that her prey was fleeing, and having spread her extended red wings; she chased them voraciously.


Falea suggested to Artesio to fight it, since they certainly couldn’t escape from the fast flight of the Patrician of the eagles. Artesio, after coming out of Atron's pouch, drew his sword trying to defend himself as best he could, from Wedjala's powerful claws. Falea on the other hand, had to fight against the many eagles, which contemptuous and angry... tried in every way to grab her, with their ravenous beaks. The eagles were so fast and biting, that they didn't give the fairy, time to hit them with paralyzing spells. But suddenly, the kangaroo Atron came to Falea's help, and it managed very well to avoid those horrible birds of prey, by means of incredible upheaval.


Fortunately, the tiny fairy had a brilliant idea, and told the kangaroo to make energetic jumps in a certain point of the mountain. Atron, although not quite understanding the reason for that suggestion; promptly obeyed. Atron thus began to leap quickly, at the spot Falea had pointed out. A few moments later, there was a terrible collapse of boulders. In essence, a huge, astonishing and incredible avalanche occurred, made up of huge boulders and pointed stones. The rocky blocks, soon reached the Captain and the Patrician of the eagles. But before a huge boulder could hit Artesio... like a bolt of lightning, Atron grabbed him with its paws, and with huge leaps… carried him away from all that turmoil.


But for Wedjala and numerous eagles, the fate decided otherwise. In fact, the beautiful Patrician, absorbed in fighting with the Captain, didn’t notice that behind her, some boulders were about to reach her. And so, she didn't have time to take off, and she was buried by numerous sharp boulders. While the eagles that had survived, ran away screeching in anger.


The tiny fairy, after having made sure of the good conditions of Artesio and Atron, approached the body of Wedjala, half covered by the boulders. And so, Falea with enormous surprise… saw the Patrician of the eagles, disappear with a trail of fire-red smoke; becoming a silver pendant that depicted a small eagle, too.


Artesio was now so demoralized, that he no longer even paid attention to that unusual event. At the moment, the young Captain wanted only to return to the castle. But the tiny fairy, after giving the pendant to Artesio... sweetly told him, to try one last time.


Though hastily accomplished, the wedding ceremony had begun in the early afternoon. The Monarca Lumeo, flanked by the painter Lisarto, rejoiced with happiness in seeing a long-awaited circumstance come true. The guests, on the other hand, due to the events that had occurred previously… had restless expressions and were also silent. And the same worried expressions, were carved on the faces of the orchestral players... who performed the wedding music.


Then finally, accompanied by two pompous pages, Florjan entered in the wedding salon. The Princess wore a long white dress, with flower-shaped lace; but that for obvious reasons, she covered her chest entirely… in such a way, that no one could see her heart of wax. After a few steps, Florjan peered at her future consort, the slimy Duke Riosmo… and she began to cry disconsolately.

Suddenly, the royal orchestra stopped playing. A grimace of amazement, appeared on the face of the Monarch Lumeo. The guests with renewed interest, began to stare at the Princess's tears.

That's right, Florjan's tears were nothing more than drops formed of shining wax... exactly like the mysterious material, which the Princess used to form her statues.


Everyone remained speechless, as they watched those brilliant, opalescent dewdrops flowing down from Princess Florjan's cheeks. Nobody… dared to say anything.


But suddenly, the huge swan Taripan burst into the wedding salon, with strength and sagacity; who, flitting here and there… tried to hit the guests with his portentous beak. This is to try to end that gruesome ceremony, which made his dear Florjan suffer so much. And while the Princess with a laced handkerchief, wiped away her tears of shining wax... some guardians with their spears, chased away the huge swan Taripan.


Duke Riosmo made a shrewd joke, about the Princess's tears; stating that now the mystery of the luminescent statues, had finally been revealed. And shortly after, as if nothing had happened... the wedding ceremony imperturbably... continued.


At the end of Falea's spell, all three found themselves in a truly unique and unexpected empire. In fact, Artesio, the kangaroo and Falea, had entered in the realm of the winged mermaids. In practice, the immense Kingdom was completely formed by huge candy pink clouds, with purple streaks. Fantastic castles and mansions could be admired, all shaped by clouds. It really felt like being in a world, made up of whipped cream and cotton candy. Even the fairy Falea, was amazed by that splendor.


It wasn't long, before a beautiful purple-haired mermaid appeared. The mermaid fluttered between one cloud and another, as if immersed in an ocean of milk and honey. And the mermaid's fish tail, seemed to gain strength… at the precise moment when it touched the wonderful clouds. In fact, unlike the young Captain and Atron, who walked in that cloudy territory, as on velvety steam… the Vestal mermaid, fluttered happily around them. And after having made a last flight, which looked like a vault performed by a dancer... the mermaid immediately showed up declaring, that she was Majal, the custodian of the enchanted bud. Basically, Majal was a Vestal, whose job was to keep a particular enchanted bud under vigilance; which gave prosperity and pacification, to all her people.


It’s useless to deny, that Majal soon made friends with Artesio. Later, without wasting any more time, Majal made known to the Captain, the enchanting and at the same time, original Kingdom.


Once more, Artesio thought he had finally met his bride. The fairy and Atron, however, didn’t agree at all... given that Majal was a Vestal mermaid; and for this very reason, she was forbidden to marry anyone. And to tell the truth, even the Vestal was perplexed, when Artesio announced his desire to marry her. Majal on her side, tried to introduce him to other beautiful mermaids. But nothing to do... the young Captain, just wanted her.


The Vestal mermaid, realizing that Artesio wasn’t giving in, she went away heading quickly towards the temple of the enchanted bud. Artesio, now upset and confused, decided to ask Falea for advice. The tiny fairy fluttering around him, hastened to say that there was no need to insist. Then Artesio, with great sadness, walked inside the temple to report to Majal, that although with affliction... he had made the decision to leave.


The Vestal mermaid Majal, after having listened carefully to what Artesio said, thanked him for having comprehended her problem; after which, she made him eye the wonderful enchanted bud. But the young Captain, didn't pay much attention to that wonderful bud either; and after giving Majal a quick kiss on the hand... distressed he walked away.


Majal, remained for some time absorbed in her thoughts, always motionless to observe the enchanted bud. In her heart, Majal felt an intense fire burn... a sensation that she had never experienced before. Then suddenly, the mermaid came out quickly from the temple, after which she climbed on the back of a huge candy pink orca... and she began frantically to search for Artesio.


Meanwhile, the young Captain, Atron and Falea, before returning to the Kingdom of Vanohen, decided to take a last look at that unusual and incredible Kingdom. And so, they climbed upon a huge iridescent leaf, plowing through the marvelous ocean of clouds, adjacent to the Vestal’s realm.


Suddenly, our three heroes spotted a huge shell in the distance; that was nothing but a marvelous enchanted vessel… which hovered on the shores of the silver clouds. Intrigued, they boarded the enchanted vessel and met the crew, which consisted of numerous fishermen and sailors.

Suddenly, a sailor assigned to launch the harpoon, made a strange shout. All intrigued approached the sailor, to understand what he had spotted. In fact, in the distance you could see a huge candy pink orca; which made huge leaps between one cloud and another.


The sailor without wasting time, with dexterity threw his harpoon, until it hit the huge candy pink orca.

Then calmly, the huge enchanted vessel shell, approached to the hit orca. Intrigued, Artesio and Falea, approached at the orca, and what appeared in their eyes, was truly terrible... the harpoon had pierced not only the candy pink orca, but also the Vestal mermaid Majal.


Artesio embraced the dying Vestal to him, while copious tears rolled down Majal's ivory face.

Shortly thereafter, the Vestal mermaid also became a faint trail of purple smoke; leaving in hers place, a silver pendant that depicted an orca.


The young Captain Artesio asked at the fairy Falea, what those three silver pendants meant; which depicted an eagle, a crab and finally an orca. The fairy replied that to find out, they had to go back to their Kingdom, and talk to the painter Lisarto. Artesio agreed... and after greeting the fishermen, more and more disconsolate he returned to Vanohen, together with Falea and his friend kangaroo.


The return of our three heroes, took place right after the wedding ceremony was over. All three, were perplexed by that unusual event. Immediately, the fairy rushed to ask the painter Lisarto, how come the ladies he had advised her, had behaved in that unusual way… and why they had become three pendants.


The painter exhibited with false calmness, who didn’t believe in the least, what the fairy said. While of the three pendants, he just didn't know what to say.

Falea didn’t even have time to reply a single word, that Duke Riosmo with a sour smile, exposed a sad truth... that by now, the tiny fairy was under his jurisdiction; seen and considered that now, having married Florjan... he had become the new Monarch of Vanohen, by right.


Falea finally, fully understood the Mephistophelic plan, prepared by the Duke and the painter Lisarto; which was precisely to remove both her and Artesio from the castle, to conquer the throne of the Monarch Lumeo. And the fairy knew well, that she now couldn’t even rebel against the orders of Duke Riosmo, since she was bound by a magical oath made years ago, which forced her to obey the orders of the Monarch of Vanohen. And now, unfortunately, the Monarch of Vanohen had just become... the slimy Duke Riosmo.


The Duke Riosmo wasted no time... and always flanked by the painter Lisarto, he immediately ordered the sentries to lock up the former Monarch Lumeo, into the dungeons of the castle. The sentries, after a brief hesitation, did their sad task… apologizing to the Monarch Lumeo; who let himself be taken away, without losing his dignity.


In observing that ignoble act, Artesio tried with the help of Atron... to free the Monarch Lumeo, from the hold of the sentries. But unfortunately, the guardians were too many, even for a well-trained Captain like him.

Then the Duke chased the young Artesio and Atron away from the castle, but not after having told him never to appear again in front of the new Monarch of Vanohen: …the Duke Riosmo.


In all that commotion, Princess Florjan managed to reach her swan friend, and after climbing quickly on the back of the faithful Taripan… she fled away, flying out of the castle.


In truth, the Duke wasn’t particularly surprised by that event, but indeed he seemed to have lifted a weight from his stomach. In fact, Duke Riosmo had married Florjan certainly not for love... but only to seize the Kingdom of Vanohen. However, to give a semblance of dignified restlessness, Duke Riosmo let out a scream of rage, addressed to the guardians. After the pantomime, the Duke firmly ordered Falea to bring to life a monstrous creature, painted by the painter Lisarto; who for the occasion, was appointed the royal confidant of the new Monarch. It’s useless to add... that to those shrewd words, the face of the fairy… turned white.


When they arrived in the audience hall, they brought a giant painting depicting a Lady with the features of a huge and statuesque Queen of the warrior bees... with hundreds of strange and large warrior bees in tow. The tiny fairy immediately, understood that the Duke wanted to create an army of his own.

And so... Falea in spite of her, with a gesture of her tiny hand... she let out a magical light, that brought to life the powerful Queen bee called Apekar, and her enormous and very dreadful warrior bees.


Apekar was really awful… in fact she was covered in a streaked patina of yellow and black, and hers huge wings were hooked. But the truly disturbing fact, was her grim and piercing gaze. In short, it was very clear that Apekar was an imperturbable, perfidious and evil warrior. Her power is soon understood, which consisted of hitting the victims, with a stinger that was positioned on her forehead. The frightening sting came out from Apekar's forehead, only when she wanted it; and she had the power to turn anyone struck, into ghosts. While the terrible and huge warrior bees, possessed the ability to make the victims faint for a few moments, pierced by their stingers.


Both the painter Lisarto and the Duke Riosmo, as soon as they saw Apekar with her army of huge warrior bees… they gave a biting grin. Later without any warning, Duke Riosmo ordered at the warrior bees to strike with their powerful quills, all the guardians and soldiers of the castle. All this, precisely to avoid potential insurrections.


Of course, the warriors tried in every way to defend themselves, or at least escape from those terrible bees. But as you can well imagine... the warrior bees in a short time, defeated all the fighters of the former Monarch Lumeo. In fact, the huge bees, having the ability to fly, had a noticeable advantage… and they hit the warriors more quickly with their stingers; making them pass out.


The statuary Apekar in all that upheaval, waiting to receive orders from the Duke, stared her bees fighting with an icy expression.

Finally, Duke Riosmo ordered Apekar to strike with her sting, all the fainted fighters; with the intention of making them ghosts. Indeed, when they became ghosts, the soldiers were unable to react; since they could no longer grab weapons or armor... but were only able to soar awkwardly in the air.


Falea tried in every way, to make Duke Riosmo think about it; telling him, to have mercy on them. But the Duke, supported by the painter Lisarto, didn’t give up in the least. And so, the terrible Apekar, made all the fainted warriors become ghosts. Later, when the warriors recovered, Apekar threatened them with the assertion that if they didn’t do as she said, she would make everyone in their families… into ghosts. In this way, Apekar forced all the warriors, to flit in the vicinity of some abandoned mines.


A few days passed, and the tiny fairy Falea didn’t know how to come to an end that terrible nightmare. Her only consolation, was when she brought food to the former Monarch Lumeo. Not at all worried, he kept reiterating that that bad period, would soon pass. Indeed, the fairy only regained hope after those brief talks; and she at the same time, was thinking of a way to solve that terrible task. Falea knew that the essential element, was to be able to track down Artesio and Princess Florjan.


So, one evening towards sunset, while everyone was asleep... the tiny fairy secretly came out of the castle, darting towards the place where the ghost fighters were. The warriors were really happy to see their fairy friend again; but Falea immediately, asked if they knew where Artesio and Princess Florjan were.

A ghost warrior with a long beard, replied that the Princess had gone to take refuge in the depths of an abandoned mine; and she never got out of there again. Only the swan Taripan, occasionally it was seen fluttering in the vicinity of the mine. While of Captain Artesio, he only knew that he had taken refuge in the forest, along with his kangaroo friend.


Falea was aware, that she couldn’t waste any more time, otherwise at the castle they would discover her momentary escape. So suddenly, the tiny fairy decided to reach the forest, with the purpose of tracking down Artesio. Certainly the fairy was sorry to learn that Artesio, instead of finding a solution to remove Duke Riosmo and Apekar... had been cowardly hidden. From what she remembered, this was certainly not an attitude, in accordance with Artesio's valiant temperament.


However, after some flight, Falea spotted Artesio sleeping on an old trunk, flanked by the kangaroo Atron. The tiny fairy immediately woke the two; and then with a serious expression, she immediately asked Artesio why he had done nothing, to help the Princess and the evanescent soldiers.

Artesio explained, that that was what he was doing... in essence, the Captain was practicing, in order to then be able to face the perfidious Duke Riosmo and Apekar. And regardless of Falea's doubtful expression, the young Captain grabbed with his right hand, the three pendants he was holding in the chain around his neck. Suddenly, under the astonished eyes of the tiny fairy... a giant crab, a huge and powerful eagle, and finally an imposing orca… appeared. All three, as well as being alive, fresh and huge... were completely cover in enchanted silver.


The tiny fairy Falea, more and more amazed and surprised, didn’t have time to say a single word, since Artesio immediately explained to her, that since he had understood that the three pendants came to life... he was trying to comprehend their faculties; to then return to free the Monarch Lumeo.


Falea begged him to forgive her for doubting him; and soon after, she advised him to go to one of the abandoned mines, to track down Princess Florjan. And after giving at the kangaroo Atron a kiss on the muzzle, the fairy fluttered away in the direction of the castle.


The next morning, Falea had some nasty surprises... in fact, a warrior bee had spotted her stealthily leaving the castle.

Apekar was furious, and seized with growing anger… she asked the new Monarch, Duke Riosmo, if she could imprison the tiny fairy. Indeed, no one was unaware that Apekar hated Falea, precisely because she alone possessed the power to destroy her definitively; making her returns to an amorphous picture.


But to that request, at the suggestion of the painter Lisarto, Duke Riosmo replied with an indisputable "We don't even talk about it!". The Duke and the painter in fact, knew that the fairy was their only trump card, to keep the cruel Apekar, under control.


But Apekar, irritated, was so furious that she turned against the Duke Riosmo and the painter Lisarto. And without further ado, Apekar ordered her friendly warrior bees, to arrest both Duke Riosmo and Lisarto.


Immediately, Duke Riosmo ordered at the tiny fairy, to return Apekar to a silly picture. But the cunning Queen of the bees, with a sudden flight... grabbed the Duke with her hooked wings, and aiming hers terrible sting, at his neck... she screamed at Falea not to approach. Then Lisarto suddenly shouted at the Duke, to order at Falea to revive the warriors of the castle's paintings; which happened on time. So much so, that when the order was received, Falea immediately began to whiz flying around the castle, bringing to life the many armed forces and warriors, who were found in the numerous frescoes and paintings.


Thus began a terrible conflict within and around the castle, between the Apekar’s huge warrior bees, and the soldiers of the former Monarch Lumeo’s army. But before Duke Riosmo could utter another order, Apekar had hit him by the sting of a warrior bee. After which the Duke, now faint, was suddenly taken to the dungeons of the castle.


However, this time the soldiers from the drawings, really seemed stronger and more numerous than Apekar's warrior bees.

Despite this, it was sadly noticeable how, as time goes by... the soldiers began to lose their armor, and even their spears shattered. Falea, from the desperate expression of the painter Lisarto, understood that he knew something about those sad events. So the tiny fairy, asked Lisarto the reason for that ignominious situation. The painter, replied that was his fault. In fact, over the past months, Lisarto had secretly canceled and redesigned the armor and weapons of the soldiers; with the intent of weakening the army of the Monarch Lumeo.


Apekar after having listened to what the painter said, with a triumphant grin she encouraged her cruel warrior bees, with even more vehemence, in defeating those silly fighters.


At that point, the tiny fairy began to fight against Apekar; and darting against the Queen of the warrior bees, tried to strike her with powerful spells… to make her return an amorphous drawing. But unfortunately, Apekar was able to fly with dexterity, carefully avoiding all the spells of the fairy.

Then, after a hysterical laugh, the wicked Queen of the warrior bees, ordered her beloved bees to grab that foolish fairy.

Falea tried in every way, to hit the terrible warrior bees with spells; and even if some of the bees managed to turn into silly scribbles... she had to change her strategy. In short, the warrior bees were so numerous that the tiny fairy Falea, in order not to be hit by their sharp stings... was forced together with the painter Lisarto, to run away from that place.


As they fled, the painter Lisarto told the fairy, that he was sorry for having betrayed her trust... and that he apologized, for his selfish and arrogant behavior. Falea accepted Lisarto's apology; then she said that mistakes made in the past, could sometimes become beneficial resources.


Meanwhile, the warrior bees in Apekar's service, got the better of the combatants... making them all faint with their stingers. Then the Queen of the warrior bees, hit them one by one with her terrifying sting, making them all become evanescent ghosts. Finally, the fate of their predecessors came to them too… and so, with great sadness in their hearts, all the fighters went away towards the abandoned mines.


In the meantime, the tiny fairy and the painter Lisarto, had reached the hall where the luminescent statues created by Florjan, were kept. Nonetheless, with enormous surprise... they recognized that the sculptures had all been pierced. And inside the cavities there were warrior bees, which had cunningly made their nest. That moment of Falea's hesitation, was enough to allow Apekar to hunt her down. And not only... because the terrible Queen of the bees, managed to hit the fairy with her hideous sting; making her an ethereal and evanescent ghost. And with enormous surprise, Falea found that by becoming a ghost, her fairy powers had greatly weakened. The painter in all that turmoil, fortunately managed to sneak out of the room, and run away.


Apekar not satisfied with what happened, didn’t allow the fairy to reach the abandoned mines; but she locked her up, in a cocoon formed of a viscous secretion, which she caused it to come out of hers own sting. It’s strange to say... but that anomalous secretion, didn’t allow at the tiny fairy to move, even though she had become a ghost. And finally, the evil Queen of the warrior bees, placed the cocoon on the ceiling of the hall, where the luminescent statues of Princess Florjan were located.


When Artesio arrived at the abandoned mines, all the ghost warriors and also the numerous soldiers of the paintings who had recently joined them, greeted him with affection. The young Captain, flanked by the kangaroo Atron, after the usual pleasantries, asserted that he had to reach Florjan, and then he would return to them.

In this way, Artesio, together with his friend Atron, began to descend through the impervious cave of one of the abandoned mines. Precisely, in the mine where in the previous days, the enchanted swan Taripan had been seen entering.


After walking for some time, the young Captain saw a furious animal hovering towards him: it was Taripan, the enchanted swan, friend of the Princess. The big swan with its portentous beak, quickly grabbed the kangaroo Atron... and then hurled it against the wall of the mine. Later with intrepid animosity, Taripan turned against Artesio……….

The fable continues…………..



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Flavia Santi - Poem n. 163 - Ardent Wonder

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